How Do We Love You? Rudely   By Gil Schwartz

OK, so some guys aren't even good at saying something as simple as "nice skirt," let alone actually telling you they're attracted to you. Many of us just shut up and hope that time, or some benevolent spirit (like you), will show us a way. The rest of us, however, bumbling and groping for a way to let you know we admire you, sometimes go to the other extreme: We take what I'll call the "Hey good lookin'! Whatcha got cookin'?" approach. This "subtle" expression of interest is of ten accompanied by hoots, stomps, whistles, and a range of affectionate honks-and tends to be conducted in public, around a comfortable group of giggling, likeminded wieners.

Do you girls appreciate being drooled and whooped at in full view of friends and schoolmates? I think probably sometimes you do--for a while-same as we do when you stoop to our level and do it back to us.

But the act gets old very quickly; it moves from enthusiasm into rudeness with tremendous speed. And before you know it, you find you 're feeling like a piece of meat, complimented for all the wrong reasons.

The solution? First of all, let the guy know you appreciate the compliment (provided it's genuine) but not the Neanderthal delivery. Then, tell him how you would like it done. To help get it all clear in your mind, I've listed the levels of "compliments" guys employ-and what to do about each one.

Level One: A guy you know (and sort of like) yells a compliment from a moving vehicle, which then speeds away with hordes of his friends hanging precariously out the windows. Kids' stuff. Next time you see him, politely tell the boy in question that you'd prefer your adulation with just a bit more privacy (not to mention class) attached, thank you very much.

Level Two: The car stops and the Bold One spouts praise while his buddies look on, trying not to spurt soda from their noses. A little better, but still not what you'd call sophisticated. This level of conversation may also be pursued in the school cafeteria or in the hallway near his locker. Luckily for you, they're all places where a guy can hear you clearly when you tell him that he's still levels below civilized.

Level Three: The dude lobs a not-quitepoIite comment your way-but at least he does it without his "wolf pack" associates in tow. This boy needs to know that you 're more than just "awesome legs," "sweeet, " or "mucho caliente." You 're a person who might enjoy a phone call or a walk home together-maybe even with a little conversation thrown in-immensely more than the Yadayada guerilla method.

Level Four: The boy actually attempts a mature verbal demonstration of his attraction. Very few boys can attain this step without your help. He needs to know you won't laugh in his face if he compliments you-and even then, he might have to say it very softly. But if you perk up your ears and look into his eyes at exactly the right moment, you just might hear him mumble something like, "Hey. You look great today." And when you do, give yourself a medal for contributing to a giant step in the evolution of boykind (he may even thank you someday).

Because those words are worth more than a thousand hoots and whistles.

Source: Seventeen Magazine


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