AreYou a Time User or Loser?
Check your watch. At this moment should you be slaving over your first algebra assignment instead of lying across your bed mentally composing a list of this year's cutest guys? Time, they say, is of the essence-which means it's important to use yours as effectively as possible. Are you making the most of your moments? Take this test to find out.

1. Busy bodies need to keep tabs on the time. You
a. Constantly check your digital watch, complete with date, alarm, and corresponding time in seven other nations.
b. Occasionally glance at your great-looking geometric-print watch-and so what if the face is so confusing you can't tell what time it is sometimes?
c. Observe the position of the sun and moon.

2. On the last day of summer vacation you
a. Plan your outfit for the first day of school.
b. Call your friends to see if you have classes together.
c. Hit the beach.

3. Your days are jam-packed: after-school soccer, your job, friends, and parties. How do you keep track of it all?
a. You think about your plans-and write what you're afraid you'll forget on your hand.
b. You carry a pocket organizer with a space for every hour of the day and check it constantly.
c. You never make plans. You like to do things on the spur of the moment.

4. It's a weekday morning. When your alarm clock rings, you
a. Throw it across the room and sleep for the rest of the day.
b. Play a record-breaking 45-minute game of Alarm Tag, hitting the snooze button nine times before dragging yourself out of bed.
c. Are already in the shower. (You love to get up before it goes off!)

5. You have ten minutes to kill before the bus gets to school. What do you do?
a. Start reading the next chapter in history
b. Gossip with your best friend about that babe sitting in front of you-but do it in French so you can practice your pronunciation
c. Sleep

6. You're handed your new class schedule in homeroom. What do you do?
a. Memorize it, then hand it to your boyfriend so he knows where to meet you between classes
b. Photocopy it, laminate the copies, and glue one to each notebook. They'll look great and last all year.
c. Lose it. Immediately.

7. You have 30 minutes to take a history test. How do you approach it?
a. You look through it carefully, determining how much time to spend on each question. You check the clock every five minutes to make sure you're on schedule.
b. You think about the first question a lot because it's really interesting. After 25 minutes, you move on.
c. You skip the tough questions, vowing to return to them later.

8. You make it your goal to use the three hours after school and before supper to
a. Start your homework.
b. Finish your homework, walk the dog, and set the table.
c. See how long you can eavesdrop on the Chat Line before you laugh.

9. It's a slow night. You turn on the TV, then
a. Call a friend to plan a party while you paint your nails-toes, too.
b. Iron the terrific little mini you're planning to wear to school tomorrow.
c. Just watch TV.

10. From the following list, pick the things you feel are vitally important to do and that you always make time for.
a. Your hair and nails
b. Reading a great book
c. Community service
d. Family Ties

For each answer checked, give yourself the points listed below.


18-23 points: TIMEWISE. You're an expert timekeeper, never wasting a second.
You often do two things at once. Which is okay, but this juggling act could take its toll-sometime soon all the balls you're balancing could end up hitting the floor. So take it easy; remove your watch on weekends-or at least on Sundays.

9-17 points: TlME-MINDED. You keep your eye on the clock and are careful to get what you must done, but you don't try to do it all at once. When you have the time, you know how to stop and smell the roses.

0-8 points: TlME-WASTEFUL. Tick, tock, girlfriend. Types like you, who don't know what time it is, are going to keep missing that bus down the Fifth Avenue of life.
Wanna be rich, famous, and happy? Get a watch. . . and use it. -Ellen Kunes

Are You a Time User or Loser?

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