A.M. -to- P.M. Eating Strategies


Avoid high-fat foods, like fried eggs, home fries, bacon, sausage, and cheese omelets (once a week for these things is plenty). Instead choose cereals (hot or cold), bagels (light on the cream cheese or butter), toast, fruit, low-fat milk, juice, and poached eggs. French toast and pancakes are fine now and then if you odd only a little butter and syrup.


Go with lean meals or fish (not fried or with heavy sauces), vegetables, salad, bread, fresh fruit, and sandwiches made with whole-grain bread.


Same as lunch. Select just one entree, and go easy on gravy, sauces, and cheese. Keep creamed vegetables, gooey casseroles, and buttered foods to a minimum. Rice and potatoes are a good addition (baked potatoes are low in fat and high in fiber-but don't overdo the butter or sour cream). Try not to eat fried foods more than once a week. If you eat dessert, limit yourself to one serving - after your meal.


Watch out for mayonnaise-heavy salads, shredded cheese, nuts and seeds, fried noodles, gloppy salad dressings. Chick-peas, kidney beans, dried fruit, and corn are all good low-fat choices, but they're higher in calories than other vegetables, so don't go overboard. Indulge in greens, raw vegetables, and oil - and - vinegar and lemon-juice dressings.


The best: fresh fruit, popcorn (with herbs, a little salt, or Parmesan cheese instead of butter), frozen-fruit bars (you can make your own in the freezer), frozen bananas (they're creamy-like ice cream), low-fat hot chocolate, low-fat or nonfat yogurt (plain or low-sugar - add your own fruit), low-fat cottage cheese, whole-grain crackers.


When you find yourself staring into a hot pizza or a melting vat of ice cream, try eating just a little. The same goes for when you're at junk food-oriented parties. Sample, don't scarf. That way you'll enjoy yourself then and feel better about it later.

Source: Seventeen Magazine

A.M. -to- P.M. Eating Strategies

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