Take Care With Your Chicken

While you are in the kitchen preparing your low-fat chicken, be aware that health officials report widespread incidents of mild salmonella poisoning from chicken. The symptoms are like those of mild flu, including stomach problems and diarrhea. Salmonella is destroyed by cooking chicken at high temperatures, but many people handling the raw chicken as they are preparing it neglect to wash their hands before touching other foods they will be eating.

After you strip off the skin and put your chicken in the oven, wash your hands before making a salad or touching any other food. Also wash, in soap and hot water, any dishes, utensils or cutting boards that were in contact with the raw chicken and/or chicken skin. It only takes a few seconds, but this simple act could keep you from getting sick and missing a couple of workouts.

Source: Muscle & Fitness Magazine

Take Care With Your Chicken

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