The Cotton Ball Quiz
You use an antiseptic to cleanse your skin thoroughly, and to kill bacteria. But did you know what you see on the cotton ball after using some antiseptics may be more than just dirt?

What's really happening? Could you be harming your skin? Find out now by taking this quick quiz:

1. What else besides dirt might be showing up on your cotton ball?

(a) Skin pigment (b) Protective fluids (c) A chemical reaction of cotton

Answer: (b). Many antiseptics actually dissolve and wash away your skin's natural protective fluids, which appear dark on a white cotton ball. Stripping away these valuable fluids can lead to overdrying, irritation, even long-term damage.

2. What's in antiseptics that removes "nature's skin protectors?"

(a) Alcohol (b) Chlorine (c) Iodine

Answer: (a). For years, alcohol has been used as the anti-bacterial agent in antiseptics. But as dermatologists have since discovered, it can do away with much more than just bacteria.

3. How can you teli if your antiseptic contains alcohol?

(a) There's no real way to tell (b) Read the box label (c) Test it for "Alcohol Sting"

Answer: (b) and (c). Reading labels is fine ifthe box is still handy. But if it's not, use this easy test: Apply a little antiseptic to your face as usual. If it gives you a tightening, tingIy sting, that's a sign of irritation due to alcohol.

4. How well can an alcohol-free antiseptic really work compared to those containing alcohol?

(a) Not quite as well (b) Just as well (c) Even better

Answer: (c). It's true. The right alcohol-free antiseptic can actually work better.

The Cotton Ball Quiz

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