The Sun Giveth and Taketh Away

Sunlight gives us our gorgeous tans and our essential Vitamin D. Alas, sunlight can also have same health drawbacks. Malignant melanoma, a cancer of the skin or the eye, is three times more common in the southern states than in the north, according to a report in the New England Journal of Medicine. The ultraviolet light in sunshine seems to he the culprit.

Further information on eye and skin cancer: Brown-eyed people are far less likely than blue-eyed people to develop eye cancer (the pigment in brown eyes apparently offers greater protection against ultraviolet light). Understandably, people who spend a lot of time farming, gardening or sunbathing, or tanning indoors under a lamp, are at greater risk of developing eye cancer. Such people are advised to protect their eyes with a hat, visor or sunglasses. In fact, the report in the New England Journal of Medicine says that wearing ultraviolet-filtering sunglasses routinely when you're in the sun reduces the risk of eye cancer by about 50%!

Clearly, sunlight is both good and bad for you.

Source: Muscle & Fitness Magazine

The Sun Giveth and Taketh Away

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