Activity vs Inactivity   By John Comereski

Throughout medical literature, it has been suggested that activity might be the major influence on a healthy body. This can also pertain to coronary heart disease. For instance, it is well established that those who are active have less chance for ischemic heart disease. Although race, age, cigarette smoking, blood pressure, glucose tolerance and heredity influence heart disease, your active or nonactive lifestyle plays a very critical role.

A recent study of 17,000 male Harvard University alumni showed that those who expended at least 2,000 calories a week in moderate physical exercise had death rates 25-50% lower than those who were inactive. Even the smokers and those with high blood pressure who exercised at this rate fared well! Those men who expended 3,500 calories each week had the lowest death rates. For the coronary patient, this could mean 3-6 days of moderately intense bodybuilding.

Athletes who maintain an active lifestyle after their competitive years tend to be more healthy throughout their lives. Now, this is not to say they never experience heart disease, but their chances of doing so are less. And if they do experience cardiac problems, they usually recover faster and are less likely to have repeat occurrences. It is harder for those who participated in football, for instance, to carry on this activity in later years because of its severity. But the habit of exercise should carry on. It has been noted that crosscountry skiers do usually practice their sport for many years, and remain more healthy than their inactive counterparts.

Source: Muscle & Fitness Magazine
Activity vs Inactivity

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