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May 2006
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It's summer! Kick up your heels and get ready for another cheery film from the Brits: In Dead Man's Shoes, starring In America's Paddy Considine, a guy carries out violent revenge against the gang that messed with his little brother. Tra-la-la (May 12)....
Continuing down Unpleasantries Lane, we find See No Evil, and how can you go wrong with a teensploitation slasher flick whose tagline is ''This Summer, Evil Gets Raw''? Hot and tasty! (May 19)....
Bible beaters, tortured teenage sex, and a kid named Elvis meet in The King, with lots of shirtless scenes of Latin hunk Gael García Bernal (May 19)....
Deadwood's Timothy Olyphant returns home from prison to settle a score and ignite an affair in director Victor Nunez's long-on-the-shelf Coastlines (May 31)....
Will this summer bring us any, oh, let's see, super-indie coming-of-age movies? Look, there's one! Preteen angst abounds in Twelve and Holding (from Six Feet Under directing alum Michael Cuesta) about the fallout from a friend's death (May 19)....
Moonlight tells the story of two adolescents in love: an Afghan drug courier and the girl in whose backyard he was left to die. So romantic (May 19)....
In One Last Thing, a dying boy's final wish is to spend a weekend with a supermodel. Cynthia Nixon plays the grieving mom. Don't worry, it's a comedy, we swear (May 5)....
Meanwhile, Crazy Like a Fox — starring The Pink Panther's Roger Rees as a dude desperate to hang on to the family farm — has been waiting to get released since our 2005 Summer Movie Preview. All good things come to those who wait, Rog (May 5)....
More frontier fun in the Aussie Western The Proposition, thanks to Guy Pearce, Emily Watson, and Nick Cave (May 5)....
Sure, that may be a great cast, but can it top Ralph Fiennes and Donald Sutherland facing off as soldier and prisoner in Land of the Blind — potentially the season's biggest scenery-chewing contest? (moved to June 9)....
Why celebrate the summer with some frolicking, nubile French folks? In Russian Dolls, writer-director Cédric Klapisch creates a sequel to his 2003 pretty-young-things fling L'Auberge Espagnole. Audrey Tautou alert! (May 10)....
The May documentaries start off serious with Forgiving Dr. Mengele, in which an Auschwitz survivor explores her past and decides it's time to let go (May 18)....
Giuliani Time looks at ''America's Mayor'' and what he was up to before Sept. 11. Hint: It wasn't all pretty (May 12)....
And actor-writer-director Sydney Pollack, plus a list of celebrity friends, salute the famous architect in Sketches of Frank Gehry. Because it's never too hot outside to learn something, kids (May 12).

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