kashmira shah interviews
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Time Tunnel: Kashmira Shah 2003 interview

Before her Bollywood calling, Kashmira Shah began a career in modeling which afforded her the opportunities to represent India in the World Miss University contest in South Korea and win the Miss Talent award, both in 1993. In 1995, she was inaugurated the Miss Globe, resulting in the Best National Costume award and scored in the top 5.

Her film career started to take shape in 1995 with a role in Yes Boss. Since then she has added a total of six films to her repertoire, and currently has two more awaiting release this year. She has been praised with rave reviews for her exceptional performance, and nominated for Best Female in a Negative Role in Jungle.

This past week Miss Shah managed to find time in her super busy schedule to sit down and answer some of our questions.

Is there someone you look up to in the industry?

Shahrukh Khan and I like Salman a lot.

What is your favorite role to date?

Jungle and the role of Maya in my forth coming film Roshni.

Your most noteworthy performance was in Jungle. How has it contributed to your success as an actress?

Well, people looked up for the fifth time and said "yeah she is damn good actress" but nothing much happened as I guess people have a short term memory here. It is like everyone is ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and needs constant films to keep them going. People (I am not talking about my fans, only the film people) don't realise that there are not as many roles to do as they would like them to be.

Are there any roles which you won't do?

I won't do a role of a woman that gets trampled on, as I don't believe women are that weak at all. I believe that every woman if she wants to, has the strength of Hercules.

Who would you like to do a film with in the future?

Definitely would love to work with Denzel Washington and Jet Li.
Bollywood Stars

Kashmira Shah
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