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My marriage with Brad is over now

After the recent break- up of her marriage, Kashmera Shah is picking up the threads again with two new releases and a new man in her life. TWF correspondent Vickey Lalwani reports.

There’s a lot happening in Kashmera Shah’s life. Her marriage with Brad Listermann is finally over. Brad has signed the divorce papers and is sending them to Kashmera very soon. If all goes well, Kashmera will not remain single for long. Govinda’s nephew Krishna is waiting in the wings for the legal formalities to get over so that they can tie the knot.

Plus, Kashmera returns to the big screen after two years on April 20 with two films- My Bollywood Bride (directed by Brad) and Pappu Paas Ho Gaya (opposite Krishna). “MBB is loosely based on my real life romance with Brad but it broke my shaadi. Yes, my marriage is over. PPHG gave me new love,” she says in an interview with Vickey Lalwani.

What is MBB about?

MBB is a film loosely based on my romance with Brad. I have even written the dialogues of the film.

Were you the original choice to play the lead role?

No. Earlier, I was not going to play the main lead. We were thinking of selecting Sonali Bendre but she was pregnant. Someone suggested that I try it out. And Brad quite liked the idea.

Was Krishna the reason why your marriage with Brad broke up?

No. Krishna came into my life after my ties with Brad had severed.

What went wrong?

Everything was hunky dory until Brad decided to make a film (MBB). He started bringing his work home. He is too much of a perfectionist. He re-shot many scenes. MBB became more important to him than me.

The passion in our relationship fizzled out. We tried to mend our relationship many times, the latest being when I was evicted from Bigg Boss- but failed (pauses).

Go on...

I told Brad that I was getting the same feelings for Krishna which I had once for him. He told me that it was infatuation. I tried to confirm and held myself back; I reasoned with myself that it could be the excitement of returning to films which I was misreading as love. Brad and I had spent some lovely times together, and I guess, we both didn't want to let it go easily.

How did you fall in love with Krishna?

My love story with Krishna began in Jaipur in August, 2006 when we started filming for PPHG. Krishna too was sailing in the same boat. Around that time, he had split with his college sweetheart (name withheld by request). She was very possessive of him and didn't want him to act in films.

Tell us something about PPHG.

I play JacKie Shroff's arrogant sister. Shroff plays a don. Krishna plays a dreamer who falls in love with me. If you see the film, my chemistry with Krishna is visible on screen vividly.

Who proposed first?

Krishna didn't even know that I was married. On the eleventh day of the shoot, Brad dropped by on the sets. I introduced him as my husband and he was shocked. He felt terribly disappointed and decided to hold himself back. Actually, he was drawn to me from day one and felt terrible after that- until I told him one day that I was having problems in my marital life.

How does Krishna score over Brad?

I am not an easy person to live with. We actors undergo lots of mood swings due to various reasons. Brad tried to understand me but not beyond a certain point. Krishna understands fully. I used to think that life-partners should be from different professions but I have been proved wrong.
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Kashmira Shah
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