Diet foods that make you hungrier

Diet foods that make you hungrier

An apple is a healthy snack, but if you do not eat anything else with it, you can eat too late.

Place the yogurt light, it can be done growing. As it turns out, a number of foods that are generally thought to be a great weight loss can actually stimulate the appetite. Marjorie Nolan, national spokesman for the American Dietetic Association, talks about the skinny on foods that can trigger hunger and sabotage your diet.

1. Apple

Yes, apples are great for you because they contain lots of vitamins and fiber, but only one apple is not a balanced meal. If you do not eat anything else with your apple in the afternoon, you can eat too much dinner.

Best choice: Apple Almond 5-10 or a cheese stick. Spend a few more calories to your meal you will not be ravenous later

2. Light yogurt

The explosion of sweet (often artificial) flavor causes the stomach to start producing gastric juices. With only four to six ounces of fat-free yogurt in a container and typically, the body does not have enough food to digest leaving the stomach rumbles again.

Best choice: Nolan likes lubricity and high protein content of the plain low fat yogurt Greek. Add fruit and a dash of cinnamon for flavor. If you choose non-fat variety, add one tablespoon of sunflower seeds for the crisis and the satisfaction-the fat in nuts and seeds are slow to digest for a small portion keeps you feeling full.

3. Puffed cereals with skim milk

The combo of skim milk and puffed cereals has too few calories to keep you on for a long time. Many dieters reach for puffed cereals because it seems to fill in a large bowl. However, the low fiber content makes you want to continue after lunch. Puffed cereals also has a high glycemic index, causing blood sugar drop after initial thrust of energy.

Best choice: Rolled oats or steel cut. Oatmeal is high in fiber, which makes a satisfying breakfast. Add a spoonful of brown sugar maple if you need something sweet. Cook your own plain oatmeal and adding a small amount of sweetener is much more nutritious than using pre-sweetened packets. Nolan likes to cook oats with milk or low fat stir a tablespoon of peanut butter for even more stick-to-your-ribs goodness.

4. Big green salad with vinaigrette low fat or fat-free

The meal diet typical “of a salad with low fat dressing can have a boomerang effect on appetite. It’s full of fiber and filler, but visually the low protein and fat will not satisfy for long. Stay away from fat-free sauces, which are loaded with sugar.

Best choice: Add three to six ounces of lean protein such as lean beef, chicken, or beans (the leanest choice, you should eat more) to your bowl.

5. Rice cakes

A rice cake = good, rice cakes four overindulgence =. And that’s about how it will feel really happy. Low fiber with a high glycemic index, the typical diet snacks will not leave your tank full for long.

Best choice: Spread a tablespoon of peanut butter or cream cheese on a rice cake for a more balanced food. Or choose whole grain crackers with a standard or small portion of cheese for fiber and carbohydrates and proteins.

6. Chewing Gum

A small stick of gum is a stealth saboteur. While some advocates of chewing gum that she can push snacking, Nolan disagrees. She explains that the explosion of flavor gets the gastric juices flowing. The act of chewing the digestive system turns even more, he prepares a meal. If you want an express ticket to the all-you-can-eat buffet, chomp on gum.

Best choice: We all have our days munchy, so if you just want something to keep your mouth occupied, air-filled corn or raw vegetables are a safer bet.

6. Diet Soda

Such as gum, sweetness wakes up in the digestive process constantly pay nutritional stimulates the appetite. Caffeine and carbonation can curb your hunger for a short time only to have them come roaring back with an energy crisis. If this is not enough to make you rethink your daily dose, a study by the University of Texas Health Center at San Antonio has shown that people who consumed diet soda was an increase from 70 to 500% of the abdominal fat more than ten years compared to those who do not drink diet soda.

Best choice: Drink a hot drink can slow your appetite and allow you to think about your desire. Also, sometimes signals are confused thirst with hunger, so you just need hydration. Caffeine-free herbal tea does not cause a drop in energy.

7. Low-calorie frozen meals

Light frozen meals are low in fiber and only about half the calories you need to feel full. They are also loaded with salt. If you have no other option, the search for a frozen dinner that contains 400-500 calories, 20-30 grams of protein, about 5 grams of fat, and 5-10 grams of fiber.

Best choice: If you are too busy to cook, Nolan offers a “meal assembly based.” Roasted Chicken sausages, a slice of whole grain bread, vegetables, salad bar and a piece of fruit add up to a quick, healthy dinner.

9. Fat free graham crackers and other baked goods

Nolan said that people watching their weight tend to join automatically foods labeled “fat free” on the package, assuming that it is better for food than the regular version. However, when manufacturers make fat free foods, they often have the sugar content. Check the nutrition information on the back – light versions may contain more calories.

Best choice: Regular graham. A little treat, like a graham cracker or chocolate squares quality makes things interesting and not break the bank Calorie-Wise. Nolan said that boredom is the enemy of the diet, and causes people to fall off. “You are better to eat real food and more calories and feel physically and emotionally satisfied than eating” diet “and to be hungry in an hour.”

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