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Kajol Mukherjee
Everything you want to know about Bollywood star Kajol Mukherjee

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Teenage: Ugly years for the guys with adolescence cramps and acne trouble, whilst they are the best years for the girls.
Premarital sex: Don't believe in it.
Extramarital sex: Too much effort wasted!
One-night stands: Not my cup of tea.
Passes: Slap and a black-eye, beware!
Viagra: Whats that ? Sounds like Niagra.
Orgies: Cheap and disgusting.
Politics: Don't know anything about it.
Bedroom Lines: Goodnight! Sweet dreams.
Pick-up lines: I'm not a 'pick me up'.
Feminist (Bra burning): Strong Believer.
Titanic: World's greatest movie.
Leonardo Di Caprio: Cute and intense.
Ricky Martin: Good Dancer.
Sex appeal: Sylvester Stallone.
Controversy: Sad for people in them.
Pyjama parties: Real girl-fun.
Babies: Love them, co chweet.
Sachin Tendulkar: India's pride.
Sunjay Dutt-Rhea: made for each other, good looking couple.
Satellite: Become like man's libido, fast money.
Designers: Are doing well for themselves.
Blind date: I can't see no blind dates for me.
Casting couch: Disgraceful, no self respecting female should sit on that.
Sugar daddies: Should be in candy stores.
Diet coke: Is yummy! Best of both worlds.
Chastity Belts: Only wear leather belts! What are chastity belts.
Bobbit: No Comment.
Michael Jackson: King of Pop.
Liposuction: Don't need it, hopefully never will.
Prostitution: Sad, demeaning.
Cut-throat rivalry: Healthy competition.
Wet T-shirt contest: Not my scene.
Baywatch: Fast paced, slick serial.
Nuclear test (Pokhran): Harmful.
Switzerland- Famous for romantic outdoors: Picture perfect place. Not as romantic.
Smooth-talking, promising men or duh loyal lover: neither. I don't likepromiscuous men of duh ones.
Manisha Koirala-Ashwarya Rai: Both very pretty women.
Wimphy wicked or brawny boring: None .
Age of consent: No Comment.
Wildest male fantasy: Believe in realities, not fantasies.
Sadomasochism: Yuck. I don't agree with it.
Older women with younger men: Their choice.
Make-out place: My lips are sealed.
Date-Rape: What? Sic. Criminal.
Lust: Love, 'love' not 'lust'.
Contraception: Needed, should be advocated.
AIDS: Scariest thing in he world.
Gays: Very happy and gay.
Rave parties: Not my scene. Not my kind of fun.
Polygamy: Outdated, done in days of maharajas. Silly monogamy for me.
Hash: Sic, harmful for losers in life.
French kissing: For the French I'm Indian.
Gentleman: Love them.
Cads: Who cares for them.
Gossip: Only with my close friends.
MCP'S: Jerks.
Other women's men: Can never be mine.
Part-time lovers: Cheap skates, meant for part time people.
Gigolos: Sic, give me the creeps.
Size matters: My shoe size is six.
Paedophilla: Crude, cruel and twisted perverts with cheap minds.
Pornography: Disgusting.
Internet nudity: I don't surf the net. Don't have it.
Nose jobs: Believe in being natural.
Silicon implants: Don't believe in it.
Rumours: Disgusting. Hear from one ear, out from the other.
That time of the month: What?
Libido: Male hunger pangs.
Erogenous zones: No comments.
Material girls: Madonna.
Outdoor/Indoor sports: Is for sporty people.
Good looking poor guy/Ugly rich guy: Neither.
Male menopause: I thought that was a women thing.
Virginity: Believe in it. Will stand by it. Irrespective of what others may believe in it.
Bollywood Stars

Rani Mukherjee
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