Ayurveda Literature: Dosha, Vata, Pitta and Kapha

Ayurveda Literature: Dosha, Vata, Pitta and Kapha

Ayurveda Literature. The five elements mentioned in the first article manifest themselves as 3 basic energies in all beings; Vata, Pitta and Kapha. These energies, which bring together different features, are called Dosha. All five elements are important in each dosha, only some elements have a higher weight. Vata, space and air elements; Pitta, fire and water elements; Kapha consists of the elements water and earth.

Dosha is a body temperament. When we are born, our Dosha is certain. At the heart of Ayurveda are three basic dossha concepts, and they constitute the basic characteristics of living organisms, including humans. It is believed that one of these dosha types is dominant in each person and that each dosha maintains its full function in harmony with a unique lifestyle (nutrition).

Ayurveda: A healing system to heal the soul

Vata dosha’ is the combination of space and air elements,
‘Pitta dosha’ is a combination of fire and a little water element,
‘Kapha dosha’ consists of a mixture of water and earth elements.
Many factors such as the environment we live in, our lifestyle, our nutritional routine, seasonal transformations, our emotional state and mood affect the balance state of our doshas.

However, each person has one or two basic files that reflect the basic characteristics of each person, such as eye color and hair color, and this dosha remains constant throughout life. While some people have intense characteristics of a single dosha (Pitta is an example), some may reflect the common characteristics of two doshas (Kapha-Vata is an example). As mentioned above, when the balance of the doshas is disrupted for various reasons, imbalance and diseases occur as a result.

Ayurveda Literature: Dosha, Vata, Pitta and Kapha

What is Vata?

According to the ancient healing system Ayurveda, Vata dosha (body type), which is formed by the moving energy of the air and space elements, comes from the Sanskrist root “Vah”, which means to move, to carry. It regulates both physical and physiological activities acting in the human body.

Coldness, dryness, speed and lightness are its distinctive features. It does not like cold, snowy and rainy weather. He eats irregularly. It has no appetite. Vata, which is in a constant state of imbalance, must eat regularly and try to avoid stress in order to balance this. He should keep his body warm and stay away from negative energies.

7. What is Pitta?

It consists of the elements fire and water. Pitta of medium build does not like heat. Their digestion is at a healthy level, they are good with nutrition and their appetite is good. Their memories are sufficient. They do not go hungry easily, they pay attention to their meals and do not skip meals. They can brighten and fade very quickly.

They like the leadership position. They prefer to eat and drink cold. His oratory is good. They have an active and talkative nature and they enjoy it. To mention the negative characteristics of Pitta, it is overloaded on itself and does not hesitate to have high expectations. As long as he stays away from excess spices and oils, he can experience a more balanced life.

8. What is Kapha?

It consists of earth and water elements. He is strong, agile, brave and durable. They learn late and forget late. They look healthy and beautiful. There is property addiction and sleep problems. They feel a lack of love and are prone to depression. They can feel better with exercise, yoga and light foods. Taking time for themselves and listening to their inner voices is perfect for spending better quality time.

Tips for balancing the doshas

— Living in unity with nature and listening to nature
— Experiencing a minimalist life.
— Giving importance to inner peace.
— Creating and adapting to a balanced diet.
— Giving yoga and meditation a chance.
— Staying away from unhealthy frozen foods and saying goodbye to processed foods.
— Reduce caffeine.

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