Would you like to lose 15 pounds in 21 days

Would you like to lose 15 pounds in 21 days

Are you making enough effort to achieve your ideal weight? What is the main factor in weight loss besides sports and ideal nutrition? Do hormones have an effect on gaining or losing weight? Do you know how many hormones are active in your body? How do hormones restore your ideal weight? Find out the answer to all these questions and explanations about the path to ideal weight.

In order to lose weight, we dedicate ourselves to the sport, we look at the weight given one by one… We do long-term diets, then we look at one of our lives, we give up. However, Dietitians ask, “Why can’t I lose weight?” The most correct answer to the question of our hormones: “There is a doctor called Sarah Gottfried, graduated from Harvard University. She wrote ‘Hormone Reset Diet’ in the US and then all has echoed a lot in the world. Dr. In this book, Gottfried explained that we can restore our metabolism to ‘factory settings 21 in just 21 days and achieve both our ideal weight and our health. The key to this was in our hormones.”

Are hormones really effective?

Of course hormon Hormones manage everything that causes us to gain weight, from where and how much we store oil to our insatiable appetite, our desire to eat, and even the addiction we feel for any food! Therefore, we need to regulate our hormone level to reach our ideal weight.

How much different hormones are in our body?

Seven different hormones are active in the human body: cortisol, thyroid, testosterone, growth hormone, leptin, insulin and estrogen… In order for us to return to factory settings in 21 days and lose approximately 15 pounds, it is essential to develop a nutritional form that ensures the development of hormone receptors.

15 pounds in 21 days by hormone diet

According to the hormone diet, it is possible to lose 7 pounds in 21 days… Because all you have to do is to follow a three-day diet and not consume meat and foods containing alcohol, sugar, fruit, caffeine, cereals, dairy products and toxins! First of all, you remove some foods from your diet every three days for 21 days.

The first foods you do not consume until the end of the 21st day continue. What were those foods? For example, sugar, refined foods and alcohol negatively affect hormone levels. Alcohol increases the level of cortisone, lubricates the waist circumference, and increases the estrogen level, causing fat accumulation in the hips and breasts.

So you don’t drink meat and alcohol for the first three days and balance your estrogen level. You stop eating fruit for the next three days, and you regulate the hormone leptin, which gives you a feeling of fullness and accelerates fat burning. When you move forward step by step and complete 21 days, both your hormones work in harmony with each other and thanks to your healing metabolism you start to get rid of excess weight as well as depressed mood. If these steps are applied in nutrition, if the person does not have any discomfort and supports regular sports nutrition, a loss of 12 – 15 pounds according to the weight of the person may be possible.

Hormone Reset “Recipe”

On days 1, 2 and 3: You do not consume meat and alcohol and you reset your estrogen level.
On the 4th, 6th days: You are balancing the insulin in your body by eating without sugar.
On days 6, 7, 8 and 9: You stop eating fruit and regulate the hormone leptin, which gives you a feeling of fullness and increases fat burning.
On days 9, 10, 11 and 12: You drop caffeine and lower your stress. So your cortisol hormone is in balance.
On days 12, 13, 14 and 15: You stop eating cereals. This re-activates the thyroid hormone. In this way, insulin and leptin hormones are regulated.
On the 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th days: Say goodbye to dairy products. This allows you to reset the growth hormone.
On the 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st days: By keeping away from everything that contains toxins, you have normalized your testosterone hormone levels.

Hormones affect many of our body’s functions in one way or another, including our immune system, our behavior, our way of thinking, our level of motivation, and even the working order of our internal organs. Even inter-system communication in our bodies is carried out through hormones. Therefore, the target may seem to lose seven pounds in 21 days, but the goal should always be a healthy and functioning body. In addition, it should always be considered that the variety is kept rich in nutrition, and that the person obtains the daily fiber and vitamins completely from the nutrients and that it is always in the foreground.

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