Will blockchain really take control from central authority?

Will blockchain really take control from central authority?

The expansion of the limited possibilities offered by the internet at the beginning and its becoming an “indispensable” part of daily life have changed many things in human relations and social life. For example, real friendships have turned into virtual friendships with Facebook and similar platforms. At the end of this, it was considered normal to have hundreds of friends in virtual worlds, who did not have a friend to ask for his sake and give his medicine when he fell ill.

E-Sports ceased to be a game played by curious young people, started to be played in front of tens of thousands of spectators in big sports arenas and turned into an event that will take place in the Olympics. A large number of people, who could not have met in any other way, turn their relationships that started in virtual environments into marriage or life friendship, and the number of platforms that offer this service is increasing day by day.

The possibilities that the other universe will offer have the potential to create a much bigger problem with the addiction and privacy violations it will create in humans. Blockchain technology claims to take control away from the public and central authority and give it to individuals, thus “democratizing” societies at the highest level.

However, it is very possible for the technology companies that own this universe to directly use the power they have or to put this power at the disposal of the political actors they prefer, leading to the emergence of “digital dictatorships”. It is very possible that this environment, which they can enter whenever they want, will lead people and force them to give up “freedom if you want security” or “democracy if you want prosperity” as alternatives.

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