What is the difference between Metaverse and web 3.0?

What is the difference between Metaverse and web 3.0?

So what is this web 3.0?

Web 3.0 means semantic web, that is, a web with artificial intelligence. We can say that the content will be controlled by software, that is, artificial intelligence, not by humans. This Web 3.0 world understands what we like and dislike thanks to databases that communicate with each other and produces content accordingly.

The main purpose of Web 3.0 is to connect objects directly to each other, without intermediary platforms, and to establish a decentralized platform. In the internet system we currently use, namely the WEB 2.0 system, information is controlled by central powers.

To give an example: For example, with the transition to Web 3.0, your belongings in your home are now connected to each other. You set out from work to your home, and when you approach home, your phone will communicate with the objects in the house. Your house will be heated before you enter the house, you will automatically place an order when the eggs in your refrigerator start to run low, your oven will cook the food…

Next Page: Is the Metaverse a transition to Web 3.0?

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