All About Metaverse

All About Metaverse

All About Metaverse

The meta-universe or metaverse is the concept of an online, 3D, virtual world that connects people in all aspects of their lives. Just as the internet can access different websites with a single browser, the meta universe will connect many platforms.

The concept was developed in Neal Stephenson’s science fiction novel Parasite. But the meta-universe, once a fictional idea, now seems to become reality in the future.

At the core of the meta-universe will be an augmented reality where each user controls a character or avatar. For example, you can hold a meeting in your virtual office with an Oculus virtual reality headset, finish your work and relax with a blockchain-based game while staying completely inside the meta-universe, and then manage your finances and crypto portfolio.

You can see some aspects of the meta-universe in existing virtual video game worlds. Games like Second Life and Fortnite or work socializing tools like bring multiple elements of our lives into the online worlds. These apps are similar to some extent, if not meta-universe. The meta-universe has not yet come to life.

The meta-universe will bring together economies, digital identity, decentralized governance and other applications as well as supporting games or social media. Even today, ownership and user creation of valuables and currencies contribute to the development of a unified, single commodity universe. All these features allow blockchain to power this technology for the future.

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