Metaverse is simply the concept of internet-based virtual reality

Metaverse is simply the concept of internet-based virtual reality

Internet-based virtual reality. Metaverse means multiverse, which is formed by the intertwining of different universes, and a virtual world close to reality with augmented reality.

“Meta”, as a prefix, gives meanings beyond, inclusive and transcending to the word placed before it. “Verse” is the abbreviation for universe, meaning fictional universe. In this context, we can interpret metaverse as being beyond universes and transcending universes in terms of its word structure. The concept is used to describe the internet-based virtual reality universe.

Metaverse is defined in the Oxford Dictionary as a virtual reality space in which a computer-generated environment and other users can be interacted with. In Oxford references, it is defined as a virtual representation of reality provided through virtual reality software. The concept is defined on Wikipedia as a common virtual sharing space created by the combination of virtually enhanced physical reality and physically permanent virtual space, including virtual worlds, augmented reality and the entire Internet.

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