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Keira Knightley and Orlando Bloom Talks Pirates 2

Keira Knightley and Orlando Bloom discuss their lives, home and "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest" in London.
How far do you two go back?
Keira Knightley:  “It was pre-Pirates....we did a couple of auditions together before Pirates. I don’t think we ever got any of them.
Orlando – visiting Kent? Moving back?
Orlando Bloom: “Well tomorrow we go to Paris, and the day after that we go to Tokyo, so not this trip. But yes, I will be going back there. I love it. I’m not sure [about moving back there], I haven’t really thought about moving out of London, but maybe one day.
How was it coming back to this?
Keira Knightley: “It was great, I’d obviously never done a sequel before, and I’ve always said of any of the characters that I played that if I played them now I’d play them completely differently to how I did. So it was weird trying to find a continuity with a character I’d played when I was 17. We actually had big problems because she was quite black and white in the first film, very strait laced, and we couldn’t really see how to carry her on. So we went off into a quite grungier look for her. Which was really exciting actually, to take a character and make her up grow up. I don’t know if there’s actually any continuity with the first film but it was fun anyway.
Orlando Bloom: “We had a sort of wedding in the beginning. It was good for me too, the introduction of Bootstrap Bill Turner, my father, was a really great new dynamic for me, it gave me this kind of………….being in love with the girl but in trying to get the girl I have to save my Dad from a fate worse than death, being condemned with Davy Jones’ crew at the bottom of the ocean. It was something cool to play with.
Keira Knightley: “I think it was also interesting when we did the first film, nobody thought it was going to work, we were doing a film based on a theme park ride and pirate films hadn’t worked in 50 years, and everyone as just going this is going to be awful, so to come back and do a sequel to something that was such a surprise success, and something that’s so well loved. You’re never really involved with a film where people go ‘we love this, we’re really excited about what you’re doing’, so that was kind of lovely.
Orlando Bloom: “The audiences really like it, don’t they.
Hard to get back into this?
Keira Knightley: “No, it was really weird, I remember the first day back, the costumes at the beginning of number two are quite similar to the ones in number one, so it was really like we’d been filming Pirates of the Caribbean the whole time, and we’d never stopped. It was the same crew, more or less, and a lot of the same cast members so it was very easy just to slip back into it.
Orlando Bloom: “Absolutely, I felt quite relaxed about it actually, having been in the same shoes as this character once before. Although I did get a pair of pirate boots this time which was definitely advantage of the shoe and stocking routine in the first one, which I hated. I felt much more relaxed, and Gore is such a great director, I felt really comfortable knowing he was at the helm. We all get along and know each other really well, and we were shooting in the Caribbean which was great.
Physical aspects?
Keira Knightley: “There’s a great stunt team, and they did get us personal trainers. I think for both of us it’s important to do as much of the action as possible. For me, it’s really boring if you’re doing an action movie and you’re not actually involved with it. We did a couple of weeks training before we started and then throughout we were with the stunt department.
Orlando Bloom: “Yeah, you sort of go along as filming is going on, and pop in a couple of hours of sword training, fight routine work. Basically you do the set pieces as the movie goes along.
Keira demanded a fight this time?
Keira Knightley: “No, I love the idea that I could say that. It wasn’t that at all, I think they really liked the sort of more actiony side of Elizabeth from the first film, that’s what little girls really responded to, so they decided to take her off down that route. I had nothing to do with it, and I had nothing to do with THE kiss either. Although I was very happy when I read that there was one.
Easy to do Hollywood and then return to normal life at home?
Keira Knightley: “I haven’t really stopped working, and even though I am in London at the moment I’m working on another film. So I think for me, I’m an awful one for burying my head in the sand, ignorance is bliss and I try not to notice anything. I suppose that’s how I was cope with it, yes it is rather strange, people are now calling my name in the street. Which is always a little bit odd. But yes I can live a relatively normal life, with photographers chasing me round. But apart from that it’s fine.
Who’s the better swordfighter – Keira reportedly can kick some butt?
Keira Knightley: “I thought I had a lot more swordfighting, I swear I shot more swordfighting than is in the movie, so I guess I’m not as good as I thought I was.
Orlando Bloom: “I’ll tell you, the three way swordfight was an absolute bastard to shoot. It took about two and a half weeks for that moment. I suppose it’s a nice set piece in the movie but it was kind of ridiculous.
Keira Knightley: “And it was in 35 degree heat in a place called Dominica.
Orlando Bloom: “The way they actually shot it, we actually had a giant wheel and we were all actually in it and then on top of it, and they had a giant blue screen arm that was attached to the back of the truck and they drove it down the hillside. It was kind of mad, it had wires on top. A lot went into that sequence, all of the sequences but that one was particularly – for a fight sequence – I thought, quite spectacular.
Dealing with fame, level headed and feet on ground?
Keira Knightley: “I don’t know, am I? Okay, I don’t read anything that’s written about me, only because it would be completely unhelpful. Anything nice is probably too nice and anything nasty is probably too nasty. Either way, I figure that ignorance is bliss. So I have no idea what I’m saying, really. Sorry. I’m always getting quoted back at myself and thinking ‘oh no, did I really say that?’. I don’t know, I guess I can’t stop myself.
Knowledge of the East India Company?
Keira Knightley: “Absolutely nothing, before and after. It just shows that we did a lot of research there, didn’t we? We’ll have to find out more about it. Actually I was given a really great book recently, and I can’t remember what it was called. It’s my new set book.
How was it having Stellan Skarsgard as your screen Dad?
Orlando Bloom: “Fantastic, he’s an amazing actor. I felt really lucky to have that storyline coming into the movie, to have him as my father was a real honour. His family came to the set, he seems to be such a great human being, you know, he’s a great example.
Keeping a straight face working with Johnny?
Keira Knightley: “You’d ignore him at all costs. He was actually quite nice, because he wouldn’t do the full Jack Sparrow if the camera was on you, but as soon as the camera was turned around you couldn’t give him the off camera lines because you were laughing too much. I think there’ll be a lot of outtakes of everybody wetting themselves in the middle of scenes. The gag reel will be very good. I just remember the crew standing around with tears running down their faces because they were desperately trying to keep it in as we were filming. It was brilliant.
Dangers involved for you – falling coconuts?
Orlando Bloom: “We were shooting down Hurricane Alley, during hurricane season.
Keira Knightley: “And we did get evacuated once, or was it twice? Twice, and the island was hit once. It was Hurricane Wilma that hit the other side of the island to where we were shooting, but the devastation on one side of the island was horrific. Really, really bad. We as a film company were very lucky, but the island was hit very badly. But falling coconuts, I don’t think anyone got hit by falling coconuts.
Like being on a theme park ride?
Orlando Bloom: “Swinging from those bone cages certainly was. There was the sequence where we were hanging between the two cliffs and we were actually inside the bone cage which was hanging from a crane. They winched up the cage and we weren’t told what was actually going to happen because I think Gore wanted to get the first shot with a real reaction – so they just dropped the cage. Everyone’s stomachs left, I think a couple of people threw up, and it started to swing. That was terrifying, and very much like being on a theme park ride.
Favourite theme park rides?
Orlando Bloom: “I don’t think Bembom Brothers exists any more, but the Looping Star was amazing.
Keira Knightley: “There’s a brilliant one at MGM, where that lift falls. I love that. And there’s holograms, it’s called Tower of Terror – I highly recommend it.
Been on Pirates of the Caribbean ride?
Keira Knightley: “I haven’t been on the new one.
Orlando Bloom: “I have. It was pretty good, they’ve got Johnny coming up three times.
Keira Knightley: “We’re not in it are we? We’ve been left out.
Orlando Bloom: “It’s funny, the whole Disney ride, I went on the ride the first time last year for the first time. You kind of go ‘wow, this really isn’t that exciting’. But you suddenly see how grandparents had taken their grandchildren and fathers had taken their sons, for generations’.
Keira Knightley: “People have such amazing memories of that ride.
Orlando Bloom: “Yeah, I think the success of the movie grew from that. The new one is quite good, I think we should definitely push to be on that.
What are you looking forward to or dreading in the third film?
Keira Knightley: “We’re going to be shooting in a place called Palmdale which is about two and half hours outside LA. It’s known for its meth labs, and it’s not really the prettiest place on Earth but apparently they’ve built some amazing sets there. So the location isn’t going to be the Caribbean or the Bahamas. But it’s been really great to have a break, we’ve been working for over a year on it and everybody needed a breather. So the time off has been fantastic. But just talking to everyone last night [at the premiere], we’re all really excited to get back. There are some great sequences in number three that we’ve already shot, but we’ve got nearly half the movie still to do. I don’t want to give it away, but it’s going to be good.
Any hints of story?
Orlando Bloom: “You want to try shooting two movies back to back, it’s impossible to follow the story. That’s what was funny thing about watching the first one, ‘oh that’s how we got to the island’, because you read the script and you wonder why are they there.
Keira Knightley: “Towards the end of shooting it got really confusing, because that’s when we really crossed over with three. I did some of the press in LA without seeing the film at all, and couldn’t remember what was in two and what was in three, and therefore had no idea what the storyline was. It was leaving seeing it, and how it all worked.
Working with Bill Nighy – no prosthetics?
Orlando Bloom: “He was amazing, everything he did really translated fantastically for that character. He was really thinking about it, because he knew what he was going to look like on screen.
Keira Knightley: “He was really big, he was wearing this really nasty grey tracksuit the whole time with dots everywhere. I hadn’t got a clue what he was going to look like, and everything was exaggerated so it was fascinating from my point of view watching him because we had no idea what it was going to be like.
Hardest scene and most fun?
Orlando Bloom: “I think one of my hardest scenes was the sequence with Davy Jones, where I’m feeling through the tentacles because there weren’t any tentacles there. It was kind of an odd thing to be doing.
Keira Knightley: “I think any of the scenes with the Kraken, when the Kraken was attacking the ship – because there was absolutely nothing there. It was mostly the director, Gore, running around going ‘I’m a tentacle, I’m a tentacle’. So that was a bit difficult. He was trying to explain it to us, saying it was just like a big squid, ‘yeah, right okay’. So that was a bit problematic. I loved doing all the action though, I loved all the swordfights. I suppose they were all my favourites.
Orlando Bloom: “Yeah, it was quite fun to do my Errol Flynn number, I quite enjoyed jumping off the mast and doing that sort of thing. That was fun. A movie set is quite a controlled environment so you’re able to be a big kid, especially on a pirate movie. You can get to do all of that mad stuff and know that you’ve got wires there and people watching you. It’s quite fun.
Prefer Legolas to Will Turner?
Orlando Bloom: “That’s a tricky one. I have such fond memories of being in New Zealand and working on Lord of the Rings, it was my first experience of film really and it’s very close to my heart. But Will is more me than Legolas was, I’m enjoying playing him. He’s developing nicely as well, I think the writers Ted [Elliott] and Terry [Rossio] have done such a great job of taking the characters and evolving them for us in a way.
“They really write for Johnny so beautifully, he really created that character in the first movie, he was jotting things down all the time as he always does. But they really started writing for us in a way that made it a lot of fun to play.
Weight issues for Keira, preoccupation of the press?
Keira Knightley: “It was really weird, they said that to me yesterday. They asked ‘how does it feel to be always be called anorexic?’. I had no idea that I was. I can safely that I’m not, I’ve got a lot of experience with anorexia, it was in my family, hugely, my grandmother and my great grandmother suffered from it. And I’ve got a lot of friends at school who suffer from it. I don’t think it’s anything to be taken lightly. I don’t have it, I’m very sure I don’t. But I suppose in a way it’s good that it’s out there and people are talking about it because at least it’s something young girls are aware of. It’s quite interesting because it’s normally high achieving young women who suffer from it, so I guess control freaks. I mean it’s understandable how you’d associate that with high achieving people in the film industry as well, and I’m not saying that there aren’t people that suffer from it because I’m, sure that there are. But I’m not one of them.
Surprised at seeing the Kraken in the finished film?
Orlando Bloom: “I was surprised when I saw it releasing all over Johnny. Actually very surprised, it was phenomenal. The sequence where those two giant tentacles come up out of the ocean and then slam down on the boat, we actually had a boat that was semi broken but held together. And they had these two giant tubular things which were then lifted up on a crane and just dropped and smashed into the ship. It was such a huge set up and it was done in one take. I remember the day, everybody was standing around, we all had to stay really far back on the shore and it was the one and only time we used that tank that was built. And it was phenomenal that sequence, the Kraken was weird, because you obviously never saw it.
Keira Knightley: “They had a cartoon of it, he [Gore Verbinski] had a cartoon version that had been done on the Avid [editing machine], so he could show us shot by shot what he wanted and how it was going to be. So you’d see these sort of cartoon drawings with big things coming up.
Orlando Bloom: “It was weird, standing on top of the mast, I was stabbing at the air, and then swinging around on the ship, it was a crazy sequence because you were just slashing at the air. You just hope that it’s going to be as terrifying are making it look like.
Keira Knightley: “It was tiny pieces, really tiny moments. We must have been shooting that for five weeks – of nothing – and literally they’d have a lot of water cannons so we’d be sprayed with water or there’d be debris explosions so you’d have debris coming down everywhere. But there really is nothing there, it’s literally second by second that you’re doing. I had no idea what it was going to look like.
Orlando Bloom: “Nor did I.
Being a role model?
Keira Knightley: “I reject being a role model for a young person, I think it’s ridiculous, I don’t know how you can ask anybody to be a role model for somebody. I don’t know how you [Orlando] feel about this, but the idea that you put somebody up there and say that’s an ideal, that’s how you should behave, I’m the first admit that I make mistakes all the time so I think that’s ridiculous.
“Playing characters I think can be role models, Elizabeth Bennett, Elizabeth Swann – I’m having a good time with the Elizabeths now – yeah definitely. But equally I don’t think that you should only play characters that are good role models, I think that’s ridiculous as well. But it’s lovely when you do play a character that people really look up to, that’s great.
Orlando Bloom: “Yeah, I’m with you there.
When was a sequel first mooted? Need persuasion?
Keira Knightley: “We were kind of hoping they’d do Pirates of Penzance, because it would be closer. It was as soon as it came out.
Orlando Bloom: “At the first premiere I remember Jerry [Bruckheimer] and Johnny [Depp] sitting around saying ‘let’s make a pirate movie for the rest of our lives!’, while we were all loving it.
Keira Knightley: “When we were filming the first one they said ‘well if it does well we might do a sequel’, but nobody thought it was going to do well so nobody thought that they would be. After the numbers came out, when it first opened, I was on King Arthur working with the same company, and they’d just keep running into my trailer saying ‘we’re going to make another one! We’re going to make another one!’. I think it would have been really difficult for either of us not to do it. And no we hadn’t seen a script. I saw a script when I flew over for the read through.
Orlando Bloom: “Yeah, and then they were working on the third script the whole way through. But Ted and Terry have got such a great handle on this kind of material. They’re the writers of Shrek and they just really get it.
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