hrithik roshan secrets
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The First Crush..."Was on a girl called Dimple, two years my senior in school. She was in the fifth standard. I had a pretty bad crush, but I never let her know. I'd just adore her from a distance!"

The First Girlfriend..."Suzanne. I fell in love with her for various reasons."

The First Adult Movie... "Not fair! You're getting all my secrets out! It was at a friend's place. It was his birthday and one of our friends brought this blue film over. But in the first five minutes we were so embarrassed and disgusted, that we put it off. Besides, his parents were in the next room, so we were really scared!"

The First Kiss..."Too personal to talk about."

The First Hindi Movie..."Must have been my dad's... I don't remember. I first acted in a film called Aap Ke Deewane, which was dad's movie. I had a bit part in a song, got paid three hundred bucks, and bought balloons with it! As a kid, I loved balloons!"

The First Time He Wore Long Pants..."It certainly wasn't a great occasion! My mom must have just put them on for me, yaar."

The First Date..."I was in the 10th standard, I think. This girl wanted to meet me, so all my friends tagged along to Essel World. I had my first date there, going on various rides!"

The First Drove A Car..."Also while in the 10th. I'd literally hide and drive! I would sit at the wheel, while my driver placed his legs on the accelerator and brake. I began with learning to manoeuvre the car, while the driver would shift the gears and things.

Hrithik Roshan
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