hrithik roshan profile
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Name: Hrithik Roshan
Nationality: Indian
Birthday: January 10, 1974
Place of Birth: Mumbai
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 180lbs
Color of Eyes: Hazel Green
Parents' Names: Pinky [daughter of J. Om Prakash] and Rakesh Roshan [famous actor/director]
Other Siblings: A sister called Sunaina [married, has a small daughter]
Love Interest: Suzanne Khan [daughter of veteran actor / director Sanjay Khan]
Education: Hrithik studied at Bombay Scottish School and graduated from Sydenham College.
What He Drives: He is not allowed to drive. The driver drives, the guard sits in the front and Hrithik sits at the back. If he were allowed to, he would be driving an opel.
Games He Likes to Play: Trivial Pursuit and Balderdash, both board games. Loved Ludo and Snakes & Ladders, as a kid.
Colognes: Issay Miyake is what he wears.
Pets: Tiger, a Persian cat.
Pet Name: Duggu
Grooming Tip: Doesn't really groom himself. Runs a quick comb through his hair and is ready to go!
Diet and Exercise Regime: Avoids fatty food. Exercises daily for an hour. Eats six meals a day, as he gets very hungry after exercising.

Hrithik Roshan
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