World markets to follow these developments closely

World markets to follow these developments closely

Global markets turned positive with concerns about the new type of coronavirus in China and purchases that have increased their impact despite geopolitical developments. Although the number of people who died due to the new type of coronavirus (2019-nCoV) epidemic in China increased to 425, the number of those affected by the virus increased to 20 thousand 438, the increase in the expectations that the search for solutions could yield results strengthened the purchases in the share markets.

World markets to follow these developments closely Read More
Facebook's Libra creates curiosity and concern in Europa

Facebook’s Libra creates curiosity and concern in Europa

The German and French Finance Ministries announced on September 13 that they agreed to prevent the use of Facebook’s crypto currency Libra in Europe. “No private organization can claim the monetary power that belongs to the sovereignty of nations, the statement said.

Facebook’s Libra creates curiosity and concern in Europa Read More