Watching life from the sidelines or getting behind the wheel?

Watching life from the sidelines or getting behind the wheel?

Watching life from the sidelines or getting behind the wheel? The subject of this article is the tendency to be lazy to bear the responsibility of life, and even to put it on someone else… In fact, it can be said that we stumble in the part of realizing the value of life before we even reach the stage of bearing responsibility. However, there is a difference here; One of the most effective reasons why we stumble in this section is really the undermining features of the environment in which we live and grow… What are these?

Factors that make us forget the fact that we all deserve the best / healthiest of everything in the world from the moment we are born… Unfortunately, the economic order we live in does not allow all individuals who make up the society to have the same opportunities…

Some of us are born into a wealthy family and say “I am very valuable” We experience the feeling of love through material means, and some of us grow up in families that are not wealthy but built on the basis of pure love, and we learn that every living thing in this world has an immeasurably high value. In other words, the habitat we are born into is a very determining factor for us to develop a healthy sense of value.

If we have not developed a healthy sense of value, at some stage in our lives we realize that we have not been able to evaluate ourselves and our lives as they deserve, perhaps due to a shocking event; We experience an epiphany or confrontation. This is the real moment that calls for responsibility: What can we do when we realize that for one reason or another we cannot do justice to ourselves and our lives?

Should we adopt the role of “victim of fate” and continue to watch our own lives from the back row, or should we break the game and write the rules according to what is necessary for our own health / well-being? Reaching the stage of awareness is a great development, it is a very important chance that should be used. But the story really begins after this. Because if the feeling of courage that accompanies awareness and is a driving force awakens, we will take the helm of the ship and be ready to take steps that will enable us to rewrite our story.

Of course, these steps are not as easy as watching our own lives from the sidelines and criticizing other roles in the scenario… We take action by taking into account the consequences of every decision we make and every step we take in parallel, and even if we stumble and fall, we say “okay, I learned something else while moving towards my goal; Let me file this information, move on!” we say. We perceive ourselves and our lives as sacred trusts and do our best to complete this journey with the least possible damage.

Our main goal is to have a full life, to gain new knowledge about this world and the creatures living on it, to be able to use this knowledge in our own lives, to reflect our light to our environment while enriching ourselves, and to keep our life energy high and alive; The troubles we may experience or the difficulties we encounter on this path do not cause us to complain, but rather to motivate us. If we are moving forward with such a goal in life, we will proudly carry our memories of the most difficult moments on this path, like medals.

Those who experience this awareness but choose to watch from the sidelines remain at this stage; They continue to waste their lives, which they have spent until now without realizing their value, with “no good things”, “I wish”s, and all kinds of excuses they find to avoid embarking on that difficult path. Yes, the road to a well-deserved and appreciated life may be very bumpy, uncomfortable and tiring at times, but the feeling of pride and satisfaction that one will feel towards the end of the road is indescribable.

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