Record price for Apple’s first computer user manual

Record price for Apple's first computer user manual
Apple’s first computer Apple 1.

Apple’s first computer Apple 1, which came with the user manual was auctioned. The original logo with the company’s first logo is of great interest.

According to information in the website, the Boston-based auction site RR named Apple 1’s guide for sale price tag in a short time reached $10,000. This guide provides information on how to use and install Apple 1. The auction will continue until 19:00 tomorrow (10 July).

Apple 1, developed in 1976, was designed by Apple founders Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. When only 200 units of Apple 1 were offered for sale, the price was $666. Apple 1 computer is thought to remain 80 units all over the world. 15 of the currently existing computers are on display at the auctions.

Record price for Apple's first computer user manual
Apple’s first user manual.

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