7 behaviors that women think men like

7 behaviors that women think men like

Some of the behaviors we do to feel good about the opposite sex or ourselves in relationships actually cause the opposite effect, causing our partner to move away from us or to feel bad.

When you like someone, you want to impress it, but also the opposite sex to be influenced by you. Since you want your feelings to be mutual, you can exhibit many behaviors such as changing something about yourself, dressing more carefully. But the most important point is that the other person accepts you as you are. Here are 7 things that many women think are influencing a man but are actually wrong:

Extreme Makeup
You may think that men want to see you in a perfectly decorated, perfect state. They want to see who you really are. These also apply to your physical properties.

Extreme high heels
High heels can make you attractive, but people want to get to know you outside your clothing.

To be distant without any reason
This can be a little overwhelming. Some women can be indifferent to show more attention to the opposite sex. Although this may seem like a good idea, it creates unnecessary drama. This may cause the opposite sex to move further away from you.

Always say yes to everything
Many women think it’s easier to say yes to a man’s approval. Except for extreme narcissistic men, men do not like the approval of everything they say.

Simplifying intelligence
If a man mocks your intelligence and makes you feel bad, it’s time to go.

Waiting for the compliment
Most women think that expecting a compliment from a man is condescending, but not so. If you say that your hair looks bad to hear the opposite answer, the other party will not agree. It seems unlikely that you will feel good because it sounds like an artificial compliment to you.

Social Media Frenzy
Looking at your photos and experiences on social media all day will bore the other side. Because it’s not the tastes that matter to him that moment.

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