
Halle Berry Interviews

We are always searching our true selves

Men are going to love this because you’re beautiful and sexy, but why are women going to like "Catwoman?"

Because this movie is about women. It’s for women essentially, you know? It’s about a woman finding her sense of self, her inner strength, her power, becoming okay with her sexuality. I think every woman, deep down, would love to feel the way Catwoman gets to feel in this movie. I think we are always searching to be our true, authentic selves and not make excuses or apologies for that and Catwoman does not.

Was it harder for you to play the meek and mild Patience or the bold and flirtatious Catwoman?

They both presented certain challenges, you know? But I think I feel a lot closer to Patience simply because I walk around in life probably with more insecurities than Catwoman does. Catwoman has none, and I’m just not that gal yet. Hopefully I’ll get there in my lifetime, but I’m not there yet.

How do you want to separate your “Catwoman” from others?

I hope it will stand on its own. I think it’s a different story, it’s not set in Gotham City. I think there are some elements [from] the great women of the past who brought them to life, but I think what separates it is that I’m a different woman. I bring my own sensibilities to it, my own sense of self to it. I think that that alone would make it a little bit different than the ones in the past. Each woman in the past has brought their own specialness to it.

How much yoga did you do to get into shape for this role?

(Laughing) No yoga - lots of training, lots of weight training.

How hard was it to fight in high heels?

Really tough. My ankles paid the price.

How do you stay so composed, so together?

I’ve got real strong faith. The sun always comes up again.

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