It is not difficult to list buying practices that reduce either the buyer's or the seller's time or both. The buyer reduces her own time when she buys at a near-by store and when she orders over the telephone or by mail. She saves both her own and the seller's time and energy when she avoids shopping during rush hours and days, when she makes a list of the articles desired, when she specifies exactly what she desires, when she buys several articles at one time in large quantities, when she chooses quickly and once and for all and does not ask later for an exchange. In so far as buying methods save the seller's time the buyers, indirectly, and in the long run, are saving themselves money by the reduction in selling costs thereby effected.
It is easy enough to compile a list of buying methods that save time; it is more difficult to say when the adoption of one or all would be good policy. A time-saving method may conflict with other principles of good buying. Ordering by telephone, for example, may save time but it may not secure the best good available for the purpose; buying in large quantities may save time but it may be wasteful if the quantity is not adapted to the purpose and to the size of the family. Buying at a near-by store saves time but not necessarily money. Buying practices, in other words, can not be adopted merely because they save time; each must be considered with reference to the total results secured.

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