What Metaverse will change in our lives

What Metaverse will change in our lives

In the history of humanity, two major changes have taken place in the lifetime of a single person, which completely differentiated life. To understand this, consider a young man in his twenties looking out of the window of a house overlooking the city’s central square in 1900 and what he sees. Horses, carriages and phaetons…

If the same person continues to look from the same place at the age of 30, he will see cars, buses and trams going on rails. Although trains started to be used on a limited scale in the middle of the 19th century, rail systems developed rapidly to meet the logistics needs of the Great War and brought great mobility to human life with motor vehicles in the 1920s.

Mobility has radically changed three important decisions people make in their lives. These decisions are “Where will I live…, what will I do… and who will I do it with…?” can be summarized as Until mobility, these three decisions were made spontaneously. People lived where they were born, did what their parents did, and did it either with a cousin or with a neighbor’s daughter or son.

The fact that people started a life outside of their birthplace radically changed the dynamics of society, paving the way for foreigners to enter families, for women to go beyond the childbearing and caring function, to participate in work and production, and later on the right to vote and share in inheritance.

These changes profoundly affected the lives and psychology of our grandparents. Today, those in their thirties or older are experiencing a similar radical change. Starting from the 1980s, Nicola Tesla’s dream came true and interaction on the network is increasingly a part of daily life, entering a new phase with Metaverse.

Metaverse or “other world”

The metaverse or “other world” is the evolution of the internet into a virtual world, where people interact with each other with their digital identities and avatars, and in a way, science fiction dreams come true. In this process, on the one hand, ideas from science fiction paved the way for technology, on the other hand, developments in technology inspired science fiction novels and films. The developments in the field of blockchain put the last point on this issue.

The fact that Facebook, one of the most valuable if not the most reputable brands in the world recently, transformed the company into a subsidiary of Meta brand with a great promotion, and the interest around this formation peaked. Although it was not clear what Zuckerberg said in this introduction, the fact that he repeatedly put the word “experience” in the sentences he did not complete created the impression that it would be something important, and he concluded by saying, “Metaverse is expanding the boundaries of social technology to infinity”.

In the investment market, the basket recommended for those considering investing in the future has been redefined. A new basket of approximately $10.7 trillion, called MAMATA, was formed, including Meta (Facebook), Alphabet (Google), Microsoft, Amazon, Tesla, Apple.

With Zuckerberg’s statement of “employing ten thousand engineers from Europe” and investing 10 billion dollars a year during his promotion of Metaverse, many large companies started to implement their own beyond universe project. Given these studies, it would not be an exaggeration to say that the Metaverse is currently the world’s largest construction site.

Next Page: Coins, tokens, NFTs: New currencies to use in a whole new universe.

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