What is the difference between Virtual and Augmented Reality?

What is the difference between Virtual and Augmented Reality?

The terms virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) have become very popular lately. As technology evolves, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality develop differently. These concepts are quite different from each other. There are many differences between virtual reality and augmented reality. So what are the differences between AR and VR? In this article, we will discuss what you need to know about the differences between AR and VR.

What is Virtual Reality (VR)?

Virtual reality (VR) means moving away from the physical world and being in the virtual universe. Using VR devices such as HTC Vive, Oculus Rift or Google Cardboard, users can immerse themselves in a variety of different locations and imaginary environments that could possibly be real.

Virtual reality is the computer-aided construction of events that we can experience in real life and their re-creation with the help of artificial intelligence. In addition, virtual reality creates a strong perception in the user that he or she is experiencing a fictional reality that is intensely experienced visually and audibly.

These devices are very popular among people who follow technology. Despite this, the virtual world is a new situation for many people. Virtual reality (VR) allows the user to fully interact with an alternatively occurring world. This requires the use of a device such as a cap or glasses.

What is Augmented Reality (AR)?

Like virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) is a field that helps us connect in an advanced space. VR replaces your vision, while AR supports virtual reality. Additionally, AR devices such as Microsoft HoloLens and various enterprise-level “smart glasses” are transparent. In this way, people continue to interact with their physical environment by obtaining additional information from AR devices or applications.

AR technology is also defined as a new layer of reality designed on top of the existing reality. This new layer helps current reality make more sense. This reality is a reality in which the real and virtual worlds are not isolated from each other. AR helps you add digital elements to a live image, usually using the camera on a smartphone. Additionally, Snapchat lenses and the Pokemon Go game are examples of AR.

What are the Differences?

Although these two concepts are related to each other, there are many AR and VR differences. AR and VR differences are as follows:

• VR offers a completely different experience than real life. AR makes real life interactive.
• With VR, you live in a completely virtual universe independent of real life. In addition, this situation is different if it is AR.
• The environment you are in in virtual reality is completely fictional and is a universe that does not exist in reality.
• It is possible to use AR applications like any mobile application. In addition, VR applications require a headset or glasses that cover your entire field of vision.

Although the differences between AR and VR are similar, they are quite different. These types of reality also exist in various industries such as engineering, media, film, gaming and health technology. AR and VR, which develop with technology, are actually like two separate realities that complement each other as much as they are different from each other.

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