Metaverse: Intersection of the virtual universe and the real universe

Metaverse: Intersection of the virtual universe and the real universe

Metaverse, one of the most intriguing technologies in the crypto world, brings together the virtual universe and the real universe for people.

Thanks to the blockchain technology, it has become very easy to be in 3D virtual universes or simpler applications with devices that can connect to the Internet, and to engage in trading activities there, as in real life. As the interest in these projects is increasing, metaverse projects are among the top earners in the crypto world in recent months. Metaverse games and platforms are developing and attracting more and more users.

History of the Metaverse Concept

The concept of Metaverse, which is a combination of the English words “meta” and “universe”, is known as “virtual universe” or “other universe”. The concept, which was first mentioned in Neal Stephenson’s cyberpunk novel “Snow Crash” in 1992, described a digital space in the novel that people access using virtual reality glasses and a fiber optic network. The world of crypto money has taken this concept to another dimension and given it a new meaning.

The concept of metaverse, which we heard for the first time in Neal Stephenson’s cyberpunk novel “Snow Crash” in 1992, has recently become well known in the cryptocurrency world. Although the concept of metaverse, which we hear frequently, has been moved to a new dimension with the world of crypto money, its origins actually go back much further. For example, the Second Life game, which was released in 2003, was a second world where people exist in the virtual world with their own avatars, and in 2013 it reached more than one million users. Second Life is defined as the first metaverse game with this feature.

Minecraft, one of the most popular video games in history, is another of the well-known metaverse games. Roblox, released in 2006, can be counted among the well-known metaverse games. Today, games like this one reach a much more advanced structure on the blockchain and offer a world and financial structure in themselves with the support of cryptocurrencies.

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