With everything a little routine, we forget some little gestures to keep the relationship alive. In fact, you can make a positive change in your relationship by making small gestures every day. Clinical psychologists tell about sample behaviors that everyone can easily apply in daily life and that you can have a solid foundation relationship.
Turn off your smartphone
If you are constantly monitoring your social media accounts from your phone for dinner, then it is time to turn off your phone. When some people are angry, they may prefer to hug their phone and send a message to them in order not to tell their partners. This is a method that the person prefers to distance himself from some kind of partner. Although it is no harm to send a message to your partner in such a situation with a loving or beautiful content, it is more useful to talk directly to him when you get angry with something.
Enter the bed at the same time
Do you think you can never spend a comfortable time with your partner? I should mention that especially women are very sensitive. Then there may be a solution to enter the bed at the same time. Sleep time may be the only time you can stay alone all day long. Even if you sleep late at night, you can go to bed with your partner at the same time and stay with him until he falls asleep. Tap in bed, of course, hug. You both have to sleep well enough. People who do not sleep well enough at night are more likely to argue with their partners the next day.
Make a cup of coffee for your partner
You don’t always need to make big gestures to express your love for your partner. For example, a simple gesture such as making a toast in the morning can help to improve your relationship, or sometimes you should make a Turkish coffee like that. The fact that partners often make small gestures to each other is a sign of a happy relationship. By making frequent and regular small gestures, you can make it feel important and special, as well as preventing the routine from becoming routine.
Talk about a funny time of past
Talk about the time you first met, the times when your feet were in the air. Tell me about the places you went, the childish, crazy memories you made. Sometimes the best memories are the funniest ones. In a study of motivation and emotions, the satisfaction rates of couples who remembered the events they laughed together in the past were higher than those who had positive memories but no comic or fun. Remembering a laughing event in the past pours fresh blood into the relationship. Because when people remember that event, they laugh and relax again.
Do some exercise together
Regular exercise is known to increase endurance, strength and flexibility in the bedroom in the long run, but there are immediate consequences for an exercise that will increase sweat. Endorphins released as a result of exercise cause an adrenaline flow in you, which helps you to be sexually stimulated. Activities that increase your heart rate, such as walking, running or cycling, have a positive effect on one’s desire for sexuality. Your sexual stimulation will spread to your partner and add a different excitement to your relationship.
Dance before dining
Relationships of couples who are constantly experimenting with new things are of higher quality. For example, dinner time is a good time to try something new. Open a pleasant music while you cook and start dancing together, if the dance does not fit you can adapt to the song or song you opened with a hearty hug. Or, for example, you can cook this time, at least you can do the salad with nice music.
Take sexiuality out of bedroom
Save the office air from the bedroom that you have routinely converted into an official apartment with the introduction, development and outcome application. What is important in your sexual life is that you are both satisfied, sexuality is impulsive, does not like too many rules, excessive limits and routine. Try sexuality in a room or place you’ve never experienced before. Such changes in sexual life activate the dopamine system. When you do something that causes your body to secrete more dopamine, it acts as a positive reinforcement. You do not need to explain at length to make such a suggestion to your partner. For example, you can express your intentions with a sentence.
Embrace your partner
Non-sexual touches, such as hugging or holding your partner’s hand, are as important as sexuality to keep your relationship alive and healthy. The more you touch your partner, the longer you will feel comfortable with each other. Touch is one of our ways of relaxation and calm. Every time you touch your partner, you send him a positive message.
Ask a new question
If you ask any couple, maybe they talk about work, children or friends for most of their chat time. When was the last time you asked your partner about something you didn’t know about him or his interests? As relationships evolve, everyone changes. Therefore, there may have been changes in your partner’s interests or desires compared to the first years of your relationship, but show that you may wonder about his or her interests. So ask your partner a question you don’t normally ask.
Say “Thank you” frequently
Think of what your partner has done to help you or make you feel special, and thank him for it. As you develop a relationship with your partner that you feel comfortable with each other over time, you may start thinking that it should meet your needs already. If one partner helps the other in the household, for example, or buys a gift, the other partner often forgets to thank him. And have you ever thanked your partner just for being in your life?
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