Woman meets man and falls in love. Man meets woman and falls in love. This is normal, or what is expected to be. But sometimes things don’t go that way, and the fear of attachment to the opposite sex occurs in women or men. He loves him, says he loves him, but he can’t start the relationship because of fear of attachment… In other words, why does it all just say, iş This has happened birden and suddenly things get worse, and it’s hard to understand.
According to communication psychologists, most men have a fear of attachment. There is always talk of men who escape love and love. But we know that this fear, although rare, exists in women. Some women love it too but prefer to stay away or even run away because they are afraid of attachment to men.
Men and women who are afraid of being connected, come up with a wide variety of versions. There are versions of those who never call after the first date, who leave after getting close to you trying to get you, and who sabotage the relationship to marriage. These men and women, as if “forever” is afraid of the word. He wants to fall in love, but the idea of loyalty terrifies him. These people with attachment phobia cannot fall in love no matter how much they want.
Difficult Contradictions
I He was very demanding, short, tall, fat, depressed, had a difficult mother, had a hard cat, worked the same job as me. ”These are common excuses for those who are afraid of falling in love and being bound. Are these excuses and complaints really masking fears of attachment?
The biggest complaint of women is that they do not match what men say and do. All men have to marry, have a happy home, but this is not the case when it comes to business. Moreover, not only men do it, women do not keep what one says. This is said by psychologists who talk to many men and women.
Psychologists wanted to talk to women first and listen to their complaints. What they have in common is that they are all attractive, attractive and modern. It is known that there were too many women who were abandoned when planning a marriage. After convincing women to live together, to marry, to have children, they evaporate and disappear. Shaking the self-confidence of the woman she left behind…
Most of them are well-educated men, but most of them are sensitive to women’s issues. I wonder if these men have a secret agenda that warns “It takes seriously, run,, when starting a relationship. A similar situation exists for women’s fear of attachment mi Can they see from the beginning that the relationship will eventually deteriorate because of this fear, and may they even accelerate the end process by making excuses that it will not work?
When investigating the issue, the men and women who had fear of attachment left them, making sure of three things:
– As the relationship increases, the party that has the fear of attachment often exhibits irrational behavior.
– They make excuses to justify their own behavior and start looking for flaws in the person they are with.
– Most of them are aware of the fact that they always look negative and don’t give the relationship a chance to ignore their own flaws.
Recognizing Fear of Attachment
Here, it is very important to know how to look. The fear of attachment is trapped between the desire to be loved and the unbearable fear and is not very successful in concealing this contradiction. Easily confuses the confusion in his head.
What does he do? The party with attachment phobia is so interested in the opposite sex he thinks that he is in control of that relationship. He feels safe and cannot see the signaling behavior of the other party. When the relationship starts, he finds valid excuses for the contradictory behavior of the other party. They provide logical explanations.
Those who start experiencing anger in the face of these contradictions are advised as follows: First of all, anger and anger should be free and to look at yourself. Even from outside, not only yourself, but the third eye as well as other people in your situation. Despite all your doubts, you try to convince yourself and give love a chance. But the real trouble starts there.
How will you recognize a person with attachment phobia? A woman says: ken When I’m around, everything is beautiful. But he’s always avoiding me. Sometimes I can’t see him or hear from him for weeks.”
Another complains: ız We are so close at home. But the moment we go somewhere, it changes. He almost acts like he doesn’t know me. He’s running from me even when he’s walking on the road. It goes ahead or lags behind.”
If these sentences are familiar, the signals from the opposite side are strong! When everything is so beautiful and the relationship is promising, it pulls itself back, as if scared. He doesn’t call or be nice as often. It declares friends, family and work as a forbidden zone and keeps you away from these areas. He makes reasonable excuses for them. He also avoids spending too much time with your family. He will decide when and how he will meet with you. If he’s seeing someone else, he’s either lying or trivial, and makes you believe you’re the most important person in your life. And the person you know disappears. Starts to cancel meetings or change plans. It starts to become sexually indifferent. The last bitterness comes when she often starts provoking you because she can’t say she wants to leave.
The party, which has almost all the binding phobia, tends to put distance and avoid anxiety. When you leave, the environment is less dangerous and your senses begin to reappear and look for you. When this happens, the same scenarios are usually experienced. Only by this time everything runs out faster.
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