While unilaterally, in the interviews about family problems, during the psychological counseling in professional sense, the following phenomenon attracts my attention: Rather, the women talk about their special issues with their mentality, “problems are reduced by sharing paylaş. They rely on some people, including their own family, and receive strong support for doing “right”.
In fact, “If he does so, do so!” Methods such as recipe against the husband is learned. The opposite party is tried together, the exact guilt is registered and approved. According to these friend / confidant advisors, his mistakes are as insignificant as the fig kernel. The other one is like the mountains…
This friend-back-counselor issue has begun to really turn into a social wound. A dozen of these people who rank dozens of advices at a time, but the vast majority of wisdom and lack of ferment, because they make eye muscle. Moreover, they relieve the pain of the other, using their troubles as dressings for their own wound. Even though their faces are twisted, they enjoy inside. They recommend whether they can do it on their own.
Therefore, they are generally hard and aggressive. Or they lead them to illegitimate ways, such as magic and magic, that will change everything they have always dreamed of. It is really hard to find such a professional counselor or someone who can actually help them. The criticism or the confrontation with its errors should begin slightly. Otherwise his face will be confused, and ultimately he may give up thinking that he is not understood!
When he succeeds in this stage, recognizes the errors, convinces them, and proposes to reorganize his relationship with his wife, he comes across a wall that is difficult to hang after telling the woman for solace. This is the wall of ne What others say?.. He thinks: “I have abused him so badly that I cannot go back. If I return, they will think I’m stupid or I can’t look at them! Yüz
A wife who decided to reconcile with her husband was locked at this point: nasıl How am I going to tell my father about this decision? Mi However, it is not necessary for a father to resent such a decision, but to support him. What is lost from trying once again. The ancestors did not say in vain: People pull what they pull from the tongue.
When we look at the content of the reasons brought as a source of incompatibility, we regret that most of them do not obey the conscience or the book. The main item of the iceberg which is shown as the reason of the dispute is that the self is inflated like a balloon. Sense of self, reva or self-worthy amount of worldly or treatment style… Indeed, we had a concept of Sufism, right?
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