Many single people complain about how unbearable and boring their married friends are. Is this really the case? When you get married, does it change?
Month: June 2019
The Mood of Loneliness
You’re surrounded by a wall of flesh. A crowded crowd on the street Sok You live in an apartment inhabited by people as much as the total population of a village, close to the town’s population. But that feeling that gnaws your soul like a wolf; loneliness!
Which is more difficult: to leave or to stay
Sometimes you are caught in such a relationship that you cannot love or leave. In fact, you are bound to a blind log… Your partner of your most beautiful years, your bitter sweet memories; The cause of internal conflicts, the inspiration of your writings, is the subject of conversations. Your tears are in your subconscious, in your laughter. A shelter where you hide when you are scared, a flag you kiss when you rejoice. Unlimited and endless; “There is to die, no return” tour.
45 differences between men and women
There is no need to think, “Why are men like this?” Did you know that there are 45 main differences between women and men? If there are so many differences between psychological and physiological structures, both sides ask, “Why are they like this? Surely.
Why men are not willing to talk?
He doesn’t talk at dinner, he sits in front of the television without a word. Why is that? Why don’t men talk? For those who wonder, here are the answers. A woman who wants to talk and a man buried in silence… This couple doesn’t seem to be a stranger to you. In most male…
Notice the first signs of infidelity
“I wonder if my girlfriend is cheating on me” If you have been paranoia beware of these signs… Your partner or lover is unwittingly giving some signals. The important thing is to be aware of these signals in time… If you started to do the following movements may mean that something is turning.