Passion is a risky, exciting and uncertain, fairytale journey through fantastic labyrinths full of puzzles. On this journey, one feels an eternal desire to fall in love with the magic of love. Can love, which cuts off the ground, be heard in more than one person at the same time?
“Love” and “passion” are often confused. We can call it romantic love to distinguish between love and nature, which is a very strong emotion between women and men, used in terms of love and nature and love. In this sense, the sharpest and clearest distinction between love and love is in terms of being at the same time. A person can love more than one person at a time, but falls in love with a single person. None of our love for many people overrides the other. For example, our love for our mother does not mean that we love our father less or not at all.
On the other hand, love, known as excessive love and loyalty towards a partner, is an isolated emotion between two people, the unity of the two together, the presence of the third person destroys and invalidates the love between the other two. People may fall in love many times, but not at the same time.
In other words, it is not possible to be in love with two people at the same time because of the nature of the feeling of love, what is felt to more than one person at the same time is love. Because love and love are intertwined, they are often thought to have the same meaning, whereas there is a clear distinction between love and love as much as between black and white.
The concept of falling in love is mixed with many emotions and situations. However, one of the indispensable conditions of love is to fall in love with only one person at a time. Because in love there is a commitment to one person and a desire to be one with it. Love is heard in a single time, a single person, and there are six main reasons why two people cannot fall in love at the same time.
Passion is plural, love is single
Passion is a plural, collective feeling, free of singularity, singularity, and being able to love many people, facts or concepts at the same time. Nobody likes just one thing in their life. However, love is a singular emotion. A person cannot fall in love without giving up a person he / she is in love with. Therefore, love is also a renunciation. We don’t have to give up our love for another to love one, but love can only lead to another when we give up our love for someone.
Love is independence, passion is addiction
Love is not limited to just one person, it is shared and increases as it is shared. Love is a feeling that preserves the boundaries and independence between lovers and loved ones. As Erich Fromm emphasizes, “Love is a convergence with the condition of preserving one’s own integrity and individuality. Passion is an active force within man; it is a force that demolishes the walls separating people from one another and unites it with others; it makes it possible for him to overcome the feeling of love, isolation and separation, but to be himself, to preserve his own integrity. In love, a paradox arises that two beings are one, yet two remain. This is literally an addiction to love.
Love is conscious, passion is unconscious
Love is the result of actions of knowing, recognizing, accepting, because we cannot love a person we do not know or do not know. We love someone the more we know, the more we know. In other words, love that requires labor is a conscious choice. We select, recognize and love someone using our logic. We love the person we love by being aware of their shortcomings and we know why we love it.
However, passion is an unconscious and indisputable acceptance and approval and a desire and passion that we can feel for a person we never know. We do not see the flaws of the person we fall in love with, but we perceive that person as a perfect idol, and we do not become aware of why we are in love with him. However, one cannot fall in love by making decisions, but he can love making decisions.
Love is docile, passion is stubborn
Love is a stubborn and unconditional adoption without judgment. Love does not compromise itself, it creates its own rules, acceptances and attitudes. When we fall in love, we have a non-critical interest in the other. Love is inflexible, unbending, indivisible. As Rochefoucauld says, “Love is an uprising. The lover will respond to any rational determination directed at him in the name of criticism with an insurrection. Love is nourished by mystery and sooner or later passion becomes bitter, love is a safe harbor.
Love is warm, passion is hot
Love includes love, but it is a burning passion and desire that dominates and cuts off the ground. Love includes compassion, sincerity and trust. The passion and desire felt in love is filled with longing because it is of an unsatisfied intensity; because intense desire always creates a sense of lack. On the basis of love is the lack, that is, the desire for the unseen.
The compulsive character of countless oddities and the process of falling in love in human erotic life is almost incomprehensible without resorting to childhood and evaluating childhood influences, Fre Freud said. Because everyone’s first love object is their mother or father, and every adult seeks a lover who represents the inner image of the first love object. In other words, falling in love represents reunion with the first object of love.
While falling in love, the desire to return to the perfect coexistence of the image of inner love, which has no ego boundaries, comes to life. The object of love replaces the ego ideal; that is, the person makes the person he / she is a part of. That’s why we can fall in love with a lonely person at the same time, because we have one image of inner love. With these characteristics, love is a much more intense and intense emotion than love, and when we fall in love, we direct this emotion to that person with our strength. The fact that we cannot fall in love with two people may be due to the power to direct such a strong feeling to two people at the same time.
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