Family and couple therapist Barbara Parker, an expert psychologist, stated that love is a deep, insatiable feeling that is not compared with any other emotion, even when it is achieved. Given that there are many reasons for cheating, we cannot say that cheating is a betrayal of love.”
What makes love so incomprehensible?
Barbara Parker, an expert psychologist, said in her information about the subject: kutsal What sacred emotion continues from human existence to this day; it still has not been understood how it happened, assumptions have been produced about it, and most importantly, its reality has been questioned. Perhaps only love deserves this divinity. It seems that only discussions about love will continue as long as people exist. What makes love so incomprehensible? His privacy? Everybody describes love differently? Doesn’t it come as a real feeling to some? Or uniqueness?
Many expressions for love are inadequate in his understanding; we encounter almost as many people as the recipe. Because love is a personal feeling. If we only confine love to the biochemicals that occur in one’s brain, we will take away all their secrets.”
How do people in love have feelings for each other?
Love is a feeling that flows between men and women and that flows towards each other. It is not a feeling that is planned and desired. It is not a feeling that is temporary and can be given up if desired. People in love feel admiration, desire, desire and sexual attraction to each other. At the same time ambition and passion are parts of love.
Parker, who said that the desire for integration for love sometimes caused the desire to disappear when he loved, continued as follows: Bu In this respect, it has been called as a pathological situation. However, all those who fall in love may have to leave before they have the opportunity to experience this wonderful feeling, but some lucky people may have the chance to live their eternal love together for life. not understanding him is suffering in loneliness.”
“I can say that deception is not related to love. The person who falls in love cannot see another, love, feel gravity. There are many different impulses at the basis of deception. It is thought that personality traits that are impulsive control problems, introversion, who cannot easily open their emotions, and dependency in social relations are more prone to deceive.
Self respect; in short, the importance given to oneself, value, attributes attributed to him and the higher the liking of oneself, the less need for another will decrease. Individuals with low self-esteem tend to cheat. To be liked, to be desired, to be appreciated for these people because they are not high enough self-esteem. Another feature is that externally supervised persons may be more likely to deceive.
Internally-controlled people, they are aware of taking responsibility for what they do and will. Internally controlled people are more prone to be directed. Therefore, liking and liking from the outside can make them prone to deceive. This bond established in the first years of life laid the foundations of the relationship with others in adulthood. they may have attachment problems in the bilateral relationship.
Sexuality should be spoken
“Sexuality is the least talked about and the problems among couples are the least spoken. Incompatibility and dissatisfaction with sexual life can become unsolvable if it is not solved by talking. In sexual problems, people apply to therapy quite late. If problems are not solved, people can seek different ways.
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