There is no need to think, “Why are men like this?” Did you know that there are 45 main differences between women and men? If there are so many differences between psychological and physiological structures, both sides ask, “Why are they like this? Surely.
Adolescence acne: Men have more acne problems. This is mostly due to the hormone testosterone. This hormone stimulates the sebaceous glands and causes clogging of the pores in the skin, thus causing acne.
Body odor: Men’s body odor is much stronger than women.
Aggression: Men are more aggressive than women and are more likely to use physical force. The explanation for this also binds to testosterone. In contrast, women attack and fight with words.
Sports: In sports, men are faster than women, but women are more durable.
Blood: 4.5 liters in men and 3.6 liters in women. Male blood has a thicker consistency, with a drop of 1 million blood cells. In total, men have 1 million cubic meters of blood and 5 million red blood cells, which is twenty percent more than women. The blood pressure of men is also higher than that of women: 140/88. This value is 130/80 for women.
AIDS: Only one out of every four AIDS patients is female. The reason is that women carry two of the dominant X chromosome. Because a healthy gene, even if a patient has a gene, the healthy gene is the dominant gene and becomes the carrier, not the patient. In men, the Y gene cannot suppress the diseased X gene.
Swimming ability: Women swim better because of the fat layer under their skin.
Anniversary: Women experience symptoms such as hot flushes, insomnia, obesity, night sweats and dry vagina during menopause. Men have almost no physical symptoms during andropause.
Body temperature: Men’s body temperature is higher than women.
Water: 60-70 percent of the male body consists of water. The proportion of water in the female body is between 50-60 percent.
Genital organs: The main genitals are located outside the body of a man and can be easily injured. The woman is hidden inside the body and is protected.
Skeleton: Men’s shoulders are wider, arms and legs are longer, bones are heavier, joints are larger. On the other hand, females have larger bones and flexible joints.
Vocal cords: Women’s vocals are shorter because they are shorter.
Body’s center of gravity: Because the shoulder and hip skeletons are different, women’s center of gravity is lower than that of men.
Sense organs: Women’s hearing and sniffing senses are stronger. In contrast, men are more sensitive to light. Male eye chooses details better.
Energy expenditure: Inactive, men burn an average of 39.5 calories per square meter of the body. Women have 37 calories. A man’s daily calorie requirement is 2700 calories, and a woman’s 2000 calories.
Fat: Men have half the fat tissue of women. In women, adipose tissue constitutes 27 percent of the body, while this value is 15 percent for men. The female body has 3.5 kg more fat than men. Fat is concentrated in the abdomen in men, whereas it is concentrated in the hips, calves and belly in women.
Diseases: Men are ill for an average of 40 days less than women during their lifetime.
Elbow: Women can open their arms 6 degrees more than elbows than men.
Chromosomes: There are 46 chromosomes in males and females. Half of them come from the father, half from the mother. Of these 46 chromosomes, there are two sex hormones; this male XY, XX is found in women.
Hair: Women’s hair is more frequent and more resistant. Because the hair roots are two millimeters deeper, they are not shed as quickly as a man’s.
Skin: Men have a total of 1.8 square meters and women have a skin of 1.6 square meters. The woman’s skin is thinner and dry, so it is more sensitive. Since sweat glands and subcutaneous sebaceous glands are more common in men, the skin is oily and sweats more.
Masturbation: 93 percent of men and 62 percent of women satisfy themselves with masturbation.
Lungs: The lungs of men have a volume 50 percent larger than that of women.
Food: Men of the same weight need more food than men; because their metabolism is faster.
Antibodies: Women produce more antibodies, so bacteria and virus diseases are less common than men.
Cry: Women cry 5 times more than men. Usually between 19:00 and 22:00.
Brain: Male brain is 14 percent heavier. Conversely, communication between two hemispheres is better for women.
Fertilization Ability: Men have the ability to fertilize and fertilize up to advanced age and women to menopause (about 50 years of age). In men, the ability to fertilize decreases with increasing temperature. The most suitable room temperature for women to fertilize is 17 degrees.
Gall bladder stone: 20 percent of women, 8 percent of men gall bladder stone occurs.
Heartbeat: Men’s heart is bigger and beats more slowly: an average of 72 per minute.
Development: Until the age of puberty, girls grow faster than boys (10 to 8 percent). Boys start to develop between the ages of 14-15 and this growth can occur until the age of 20. While girls develop the fastest between the ages of 12-13, this development stops at the age of 17-18.
Temperature sensitivity: Women are more resistant to cold because of their thick fat tissue.
Aging: Men age faster than women. A 55-year-old woman has 90 percent of her physical strength. However, a man of the same age has only 70 percent of his power. The vascular system of a 35-year-old man is equivalent to that of a 50-year-old woman. On the other hand, only the skin is thinner and wrinkles quickly. Women are more likely to accept aging more easily than men psychologically.
Muscles: Men have 50 percent more muscle strength than women. In the age of puberty, the number of muscle cells in men increases by 20 times and in women by 10 times. Men are one-third stronger than women.
Puberty: Men live 10-15 years of age, women 9-14 years of age.
Life span: The mean life span of men is 71.5 years and of women is 78 years.
Legs: Men’s legs are longer and muscular. That’s why they run faster than women, they jump farther.
Body measurements: Male average 175 cm tall and 73.5 kg weight. The chest circumference is 98,5cm and the waist is 80,4cm. The female is approximately 160 cm tall and weighs 61.2 kg. Chest circumference 90.1; hip width 96.5 cm; waist is 74.3 cm.
Adam’s apple: The man’s apple in the larynx, called the Adam’s apple, is only sick to men.
Respiration: Men breathe on average 16 times per minute. Women breathe 20-22 times per minute. The amount of inhalation of both sexes per day is the same and 12 thousand liters.
Hair removal in the genitals: Genital hair growth, men in the belly up to the bottom of the belly in women in a horizontal line ends.
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