Saying goodnight to your partner via text is a thoughtful way to let him or her know that he or she’s on your mind, but you don’t want to just send any text. In fact, when it comes to texting your partner goodnight, it’s truly in your best interest to incorporate romance, as this not only makes what you send far memorable and meaningful, but it also shows him or her just how much you care.
Month: February 2019
Adding some romance into your relationship
Every dating relationship needs romance to stay alive. Most couples have little issue with finding romantic ideas to share with their partner early on, but after the new relationship energy has worn off it may take a bit of time and creativity to get the romance flowing again.
The warmth of passionate love
I desire to consider both the warmth of passionate love and its enduring nature. The love of young people, though warm, has no power of endurance. Hence, many young people change from one affection to another. I term this the love of divided personalities. How can any such love bring pleasure? For love to endure, it is necessary that it be maintained by strength of will.
The Discovery of “You”
When one acquires this creative attitude toward love, one cannot lightly surrender oneself to another. The defect in many marriages has been that they were not marriages as creation but unions for sexual intercourse. And they all proceed calmly on, though standing on the very brink of destruction. Their passion, as they call it, is easily exhausted; they are merely captivated by fleeting sentiment; they have lost the creative feeling.
Love and Personality
In the ancient times of incomplete personalities, monogamy was impossible; but since the coming of Christ completed personality has been presented to our view and we have become incapable of bigamous love. Yet, naturally, as I have just stated, the principle of monogamy breaks down if there is more or less of abnormality in the character.
Why people enjoy kissing with tongues
You probably wouldn’t go up to a stranger in a nightclub, tap them on the shoulder and say “hey, mind if I borrow your toothbrush?” because that would be objectively weird and disgusting. So, how come when we fancy someone we’re more than happy to lick the insides of their mouth – AKA kissing with tongues – even though the idea is sickening when you describe it literally.