White House launches struggle against dismissal process

White House launches struggle against dismissal process

The letter sent to the Democrats regarding the Azil investigation stated that it was unconstitutional and the White House would not participate in the investigation in any way. In an 8-page text sent to House of Representatives President Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats in the House of Representatives, the dismissal investigation against Trump was political and targeted the President before the 2020 elections.

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The Washington Monument reopens

The Washington Monument reopens

A tall, white obelisk named for the United States’ first President, the monument is one of the most dramatic features of the Washington skyline and one of the most popular attractions on the National Mall. However, like so many historic sites, the 555-foot-tall monument has needed TLC over the years. In 2011, a 5.8-magnitude earthquake centered in Virginia damaged the obelisk, causing some 150 cracks in the structure.

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Archaeologists find 5,000-year-old city in Israel

Archaeologists find 5,000-year-old city in Israel

Archaeologists in Israel have uncovered the remains of an “immense” 5,000-year-old city, the Israel Antiquities Authority said, shedding new light on a period when the region’s rural population began building larger urban centers. Halfway between the cities of Tel Aviv and Haifa, the 160-acre site at En Esur was revealed during roadworks on a new interchange to the town of Harish.

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Chinese overseas travelers are growing rapidly

Chinese overseas travelers are growing rapidly

During the 2017 Spring Festival, Chinese tourists traveled to 130 countries and territories. During the week-long holiday as a result of revenue growth, paid leave, and simplification of visa procedures, the 10 most popular countries were listed as: Thailand, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, USA, France and Finland.

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