Time Trap: The Hollywood-style Seven Sleepers story

Time Trap: The Hollywood-style Seven Sleepers story

You may know the story of the Seven Sleepers. It is the story of a community whose traces can be found in different cultures of the world, especially in the East and the Middle East, and who abandoned their people. According to the legend, seven people fleeing from the cruel ruler fall into a deep sleep of three hundred years in the cave they entered to rest. When they wake up, they find their surroundings completely changed and they return to their caves in despair. Although there are various versions, the story outlines these events.

Here is the 2017 production Time Trap, directed by Mark Dennis and Ben Foster, and has an interesting subject that is quite similar to this. Archeology professor Hopper, who is in pursuit of both his family who disappeared years ago and the legendary fountain of immortality, disappears by entering a mysterious cave he found as a result of his research.

Time Trap: The Hollywood-style Seven Sleepers story

After a few days, when there is no sound from the professor, a group of students follow him to find him. But as soon as you step into the cave, oddities appear one after another. It is not long before they realize that time flows differently in the cave and find themselves in a mess full of dangers.

The biggest trademark of the movie, which has not known names such as Andrew Wilson, Cassidy Gifford, Brianne Howey, Reiley McClendon, Olivia Draguicevich in its cast and was shot with a modest budget of one million dollars, is hidden here. Indeed, it has an insidious plot that does not create expectations on the audience and has the impression of a typical youth movie. “Hmmm, the ridiculous adventure of a group of young girls in short shorts who entered the cave screaming… Anyway, I’ll watch it out of the corner of my eye while I get things done,” and you’ll experience your first shock when the movie you start out with soon makes you stop working and start watching yourself.

The interesting thing is that you don’t know exactly where that fine line starts when you go from being lame to being smug. But somehow the movie manages to draw you in and make you wonder. Although it is not clear whether this trap narrative is a conscious choice or an amateurish flow that develops spontaneously,

Time Trap: The Hollywood-style Seven Sleepers story

the existence of a fiction that turns the viewer into a wrong corner is indisputable. The movie literally lets you down by using all kinds of temporal tricks that can be brought about by entering a cave in which time flows very, very slowly. Imagine that when you exit the cave you entered a few hours ago, the world you left becomes uninhabitable. Or that you encounter wild people from the stone age in the cave…

You can’t help but take a deep “Oeehh” when you see the young people who are trapped in the cave after the ropes they use while entering are broken. In fact, you’re getting ready to watch a second-rate thriller like 2005’s The Descent. However, things start to get interesting when you realize that the ropes break because they wear out and rot. However, the movie does not compromise its solemn “teenage” stance despite all the hooks it throws one after another! He doesn’t even break his temper. Yes, you’re still watching a second-rate teen movie. “People are truly astonished,” as it stands…

Time Trap (2018) - Brianne Howey
Time Trap (2018) – Brianne Howey

As a result of a little browsing on the internet, it is possible to encounter a large number of audience comments bearing the traces of this astonishment. You’ll see that most people don’t even know why they liked the movie. Everyone has an armful of critiques of the movie. True. And most criticisms are well-founded. That’s also true. However, these criticisms do not mean that the film was not liked.

On the contrary, the overwhelming majority of viewers think that they enjoyed the movie. We can also call it the surprise of receiving a beautiful gift unexpectedly. In fact, from the bottom to the bottom, “It’s done right on the spot, is it good? I wish we could watch the sequel,” you can’t help but say. Indeed, the finale of the movie is suitable for a lot of scenarios. Of course, you share these thoughts in a low voice and only with yourself so that your charisma will not be scratched by the fact that you like a second-rate youth movie!

Long story short, when watched without any expectations, the movie definitely finds a way to attract you. Therefore, it is useful to watch without expectation. Although, if you haven’t watched it yet, this article may inevitably put you in a certain expectation. Hey, get well soon! Anyway, you better ignore this article.

Time Trap Movie Poster (2018)

Time Trap (2018)

Directed by: Mark Dennis, Ben Foster
Starring: Brianne Howey, Andrew Wilson, Cassidy Gifford, Reiley McClendon, Olivia Draguicevich, Max Wright, Hans Marrero, Rich Skidmore, Chris Sturgeon, Sofie Marie Lusitana
Screenplay by: Mark Dennis, Ben Foster
Production Design by: Jessee J. Clarkson, Madison Fisk
Cinematography by: Mike Simpson
Costume Design by: Holly Bronko, Katie Dehombre
Set Decoration by: D.R. Garrett, Ezra Hamill, Katherine Morter
Art Direction by: Wayne Dalchau, Jillian Talley, Sean White
Music by: Xiaotian Shi
MPAA Rating: None.
Distributed by: Paladin, Broadmedia Studios, Eagle Films
Release Date: May 19, 2017 (Seattle International Film Festival), November 2, 2018

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