Inbound thoughts with a highway signboard

Inbound thoughts with a highway signboard

“Last Exit Before Toll”… Every time I drive on a highway, I notice how much I see to this sign, which strikes me like lightning, which I have memorized.

Why last exit?

Is it
“Last” chance,
“Last hope,
“Last word,
Like the “Last… time…?
So this is a final – an ending?

If I interpret that signboard with a depressed mood; it’s like “I missed the last exit. It was my last chance. I lost my last hope. I said the last word and I did it for the last time. no more return you will understand. Game Over. This was an opportunity and come to my foot once every forty years? How did I even know it? Why didn’t I just open my eyes? Now I’m gonna wait another forty years to knock on my door again? I want to ask as much as I want. Well, the frustration we have experienced in the continuation. Sadness, anger we feel… Will they be the last of them like them?

I’m looking at this sign of the stubborn positive side that caused me to experience mental reckoning.

You ask why? Because; “luck can knock on our door at a time we never expect, nefes hope” is enough for us to breathe and söy our words ecek will never end. First part ends, second part starts, third part ends, fourth part starts. Each finish embraces new beginnings. things will happen again, will end and will start again… I mean, every time we breathe, nothing will actually be the END.

When we look back, we will have regrets for what we missed, but let’s not forget; While our regrets mature us, we will give you experiences that we cannot buy with money. Take it without hesitation and visit it in the most beautiful place of your mind… You will see; all our reflections that leave a mark will shed light on our ongoing journey that is full of hope so that it will never go out and we will always call it WELCOME knowing that every SON is not the end but the beginning.

Ahhh did I forgot the highway; If you missed the exit, don’t worry, the trip is free, you pay at most turns, enjoy the scenery!

Visits: 97