Weight Loss: Exercise can do wonders

Weight Loss: Exercise can do wonders

People keep asking me me, “How do you do it? You make pictures, you do television, you give concerts, you record albums, smoke cigars, drink martinis, you go out with pretty girls-how do you do it?” It’s very simple. For instance, a martini. You fill the glass with ice, then you pour in some gin and a touch of vermouth, add an olive, and you’ve got yourself a martini.

I also do exercises and walk a lot. And walking is even easier than making a martini. I take one foot and put it in front of the other foot, then I take the other foot and put it in front of the other foot, and before I know it I’m walking. And you don’t even need an olive.

Most people agree that walking is good for your health. And yet where I live in Beverly Hills nobody walks. If they have to go three blocks, they drive.

Some people even have two, three, or four cars. I’ve got one neighbor who has a little car to drive to his big car.

Now me, every morning I get up and go out in my backyard, and rain or shine I walk for a mile and a half. Well, that’s not quite true-I’m exaggerating. If it rains, I let Gene Kelly do the walking. But I don’t let him sing. Around my house I do the singing.

I’ve got a regular routine. I walk through the yard, around the pool, through the trees and back to where I started. And I do this forty times. That covers the mile and a half. Oh, I must tell you one morning when I was filming the Oh God! movie, I got carried away with the part I played.

Instead of going around the pool I tried to walk across it. Swimming is a good exercise, too.

My advice is to walk whenever you can. It’s free, costs nothing, and it not only makes you live longer and feel better, but it also keeps you looking trim. To me that’s important. I’ve always been very conscious of my body. I’m conscious of the fact that it doesn’t look like Burt Reynolds’s. And he’s probably conscious of the fad that his doesn’t look like mine. But that’s his problem. If he wants to look better, let him get out there in the rain with Gene Kelly.

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