What are the 12 Laws of Karma?

What are the 12 Laws of Karma?

The question “What is Karma and what are the rules of Karma philosophy?” has become increasingly popular lately. If you are wondering, let’s examine together what the philosophy of karma is. You will love it as you learn about Karma, which is actually based on a very simple philosophy.

Karma, Philosophy of Karma, 12 Laws of karma, Anatolian Shamanism, Shamanism, The Great Law of Karma, The Law of Karma Creation, Karma Growth, Karma Development, Origins of Karma, Karma Liability, Karma Humility, Karma Creation

What does Karma mean?

The word Karma means ‘action’ in Sanskrit language. What is meant by motion here is an action-reaction situation, just like in Newton’s laws. It expresses the belief that just as you receive a reaction at the same rate when you apply force to an object, the results of all your actions will also create a reaction at the same rate and level.

The Origin of the Philosophy of Karma

Karma, whose origin is quite curious, is actually a fundamental concept in religions originating from Buddhism and Hinduism. Karma philosophy, which has a wide place especially in Tibetan Buddhism, also appears in Anatolian Shamanism. For example, proverbs such as ‘You reap what you sow’ and ‘He who does good finds good’ are actually reflections of the philosophy of karma in Anatolia.

What are the 12 Laws of Karma?

How does the Philosophy of Karma work?

First of all, in order to understand the question ‘What is Karma, how does it work?’, it is necessary to understand that every action and behavior in the world has a consequence; thus the philosophy of action in karma will be much simpler.

For example, if you plant a kiwi seed, the result will be a kiwi tree. If you plant flowers, you will have flowers. If you do good, you will receive the same goodness from the universe. In other words, according to the philosophy of Karma, every action you take produces a result/response at the same rate.

Now let’s take a look at the laws of the philosophy of Karma, which we have grasped in its general framework: Here are the 5 basic Laws of Karma!

12 Laws of Karma

Those who want to learn ‘What is Karma?’ in full detail should definitely take a look at these 5 basic laws of Karma.

The Great Law of Karma

This law, which is the first law of the philosophy of karma, is actually the law that reveals the essence of belief; In other words, it is the saying “You reap what you sow.” You should do whatever you want to get from the universe and life.

You must start planting seeds of goodness for a world full of happiness, peace and love.

The Law of Karma Creation

According to this law, nothing in the universe can come into being from nothing; Everything is a whole and exists only in interaction with each other. Not only substances, but also events, emotions and behaviors occur thanks to their interaction.

For example, evil is not actually something that happens in the universe and has to affect our lives. However, if we allow evil to exist around us, we will do evil, or if we do evil, we will be exposed to evil. Of course, the same goes for kindness.

Therefore, if you start to surround yourself with goodness, rewards such as goodness and peace will never be missing from your life.

The Law of Karma Humility

In order to understand this law, we recommend that you first take a look at the topic ‘What is Mindfullness?’ However, in short, the law of humility represents avoiding prejudice and hostile attitudes and focusing on awareness rather than hatred.

The behavior of a person in front of us may disturb us or a process we are going through may upset us; But is the solution to hate this person or situation? According to this law of Karma, “No.”; Because hatred only distances us from the experience we are going through. Trying to understand the reasons, observing objectively and accepting when necessary, and taking steps for change when necessary both increase our individual awareness and enrich our perspective on life.

Law of Karma Growth / Development

This law is based on the belief that in order to change our life or our environment, we must first change ourselves; In other words, it advises you to be a good individual even if there is evil around you, and in return, it tells you that the seeds of goodness will begin to be planted around you.

Just smile at someone you don’t know today and let the change begin.

Law of Karma Liability

According to this law, everything that happens around us is our mirror, and we are theirs. Therefore, we also have responsibility in every event or situation, good or bad. Putting the blame on someone else, talking about bad luck or talking about other people’s mistakes… Unfortunately, there is no place for these in Karma.

The change is within us, the responsibility is ours and the power to change is within us.

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