If your life was a movie, what would the screenplay be like?

If your life was a movie, what would the screenplay be like?

We all have a screenplay in our minds of how our life should be.

We distribute roles to our lover, spouse, children, friends and relatives who will play in this screenplay, regardless of whether they approve of these roles or not.

We even force them to play our script, regardless of whether they are suitable for their role.

On the other hand, when it comes to our boss, our more distant friends, we feel compelled to restrain ourselves.

Because we know that when we push too hard, they will go away.

However, we never take the risk of yawning in the roles we choose against people we do not fear losing.

When they are overwhelmed by the lines given to them, we leave them only two options; They will either obey these roles assigned to them or oppose them at all costs.

Since we see those that we are not afraid of losing as the easiest targets, we slyly laugh at the possibility that they will object to us.

We get so caught up in this movie that we subconsciously shoot and spend our whole life for what we have that we fight so hard to make it happen.

Let’s write an instant screenplay;

To prepare a nice table for my wife, I pictured her saying to me, “You’re gorgeous, well done my life, everything is amazing” when she sees this wonderful table ready for her when she leaves work early, cooks her favorite meals meticulously, and waits for her when she comes home. Then my wife came home and did not react at all when she saw the table. When I asked “how did you find it”, he said “thanks” and passed it off..

So he didn’t play the role that I had given him in my script.

Just like in this example, we are ruined when our movie’s box office results are disappointing.

Many of us speak in high pitches, go mad with anger, yell, and blame everyone we come across.

The reproaches begin one after another.

I’m worthless

I’m exhausted

It is enough

These always happen to me

No one understands me

These words repeat in our minds like background music.

We always declare the other party to be a potential culprit.

And while we are the scriptwriters of our lives, we suddenly find ourselves playing the victim role.

We are afraid of getting lost in a vicious circle, and we close in on ourselves.

However, everything started with creating movies in our minds and planning how everything should be.

Our ego, which likes to control others, trashed all the good scenes..

The reason why we write screenplays of how things should be comes from our inability to accept ourselves and others “as they are”.


We have to admit that we are angry because they did not act in accordance with our screenplay and caress our ego.

The real screenplay is to know oneself, to know oneself, to turn into one’s self and to realize what one can do.


We are the screenwriter, director, leading actor and extra in our lives.

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