They call him “Zeus, The Lord of the Heavens”

They call him "Zeus, The Lord of the Heavens"

It is one of the cornerstones of Greek mythology. In many ancient stories and legends, he is known as the father of humanity and the gods. Zeus, aka ‘Lord of the Heavens’.

Greek mythology was born to provide an explanation and a reason for the supernatural events, natural disasters, weather events, and all the changes that occur around the human being, who have little knowledge of the world and the universe. People created mythological elements and created gods in order to give a meaning to all these events and not to drown in the unknown sea. Each god took their place in the minds of people living at that time, as divine beings with human appearance but superior powers, controlling an element.

Zeus, who was the father of these gods, was the most feared and feared by people and even other gods. Zeus, the ruler of lightning and thunder, in short, the ruler of the sky, is the most powerful god. To be aware of its power, to be afraid of it, it is enough to look up at the sky and get lost in the obscurity of the vast blue you see. Although he is the ruler of the sky, Zeus has an important place in mythology with many human aspects.

Although he shudders everyone with his power, he is a little selfish, arrogant and even a little flirtatious. Although he has many supernatural, divine powers, he is too human in all these aspects. Although it takes place in most of the mythological legends by piercing the skies and rising through lightning, in many of them it is mentioned with its human characteristics.

In fact, many gods in Greek mythology, such as Zeus, were created to be worshiped by humans, so although they were in a divine position, they continued to have human characteristics. Greek mythology is an example of a perfect system that the human mind put forward to make sense of what it does not know.

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