Fake accounts from Russia captured international social media platforms. It is claimed that social media accounts, which are estimated to be linked to Russia, have been running a disinformation campaign for 6 years in line with the foreign policy interests of the Moscow administration.
According to the report prepared by the social media monitoring company Graphika, more than 2,500 edited content in 7 languages prepared from the same source between 2014-2020, more than 300 platforms on the internet, including social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Reddit, and shared in the forum.
One-time fake accounts
In the posts aiming to increase tensions in the countries where the Russian administration sees enemies, pro-Western governments in Ukraine where the civil war is taking place are unsuccessful and unreliable, the USA and NATO’s intervention towards foreign countries, European Union countries are weak and in conflict, Muslims are aggressive invaders, Russia The thesis that the West was subjected to the double-standard approach and calipers of the West, and those who criticized the Russian government, were alcoholic or mentally ill in moral collapse.
After the World Anti-Doping Agency’s (WADA) imposed 4-year ban on international sports competitions from Russia in December 2019 due to irregularities in the doping tests, posts were made that targeted WADA officials and argued that international sports organizations were biased and biased towards Russia.
In the report, it was noted that the disinformation campaign, which the researchers called “Secondary Infection”, shared shares aimed at influencing the elections in the USA and European countries, sabotaging the democratic process, but prioritizing the issues and themes aimed at enlarging the disputes between the countries whose main focus was not on elections but on the enemies of Russia.
Fake documents were used
According to the report, many fake documents and content were included in the disinfection sharing. It was determined that more than 250 fake documents were used in the shares, which gave the impression of real letters, petitions and official documents. Fake letters, twits and blog articles produced on behalf of Western politicians were cited as a source for the posts.
In the investigation carried out by Russia in the investigation of Russia’s intervention in the 2016 Presidential elections, special authorized prosecutor Robert Mueller accused 13 people of Russian nationality and 3 organizations, including the Internet Research Agency with official status, for carrying out disinformation and land propoganda activities for the intervention.
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