Has the expiration date of capitalism came?

Has the expiration date of capitalism came?

Looking at the coronavirus outbreak from such a historical and class perspective explains that capitalism is not desperate for this outbreak, but acts to ensure its own sustainability. “Viruses are simply mandatory intracellular parasites. Although controversial, according to widespread scientific opinion, ‘is not alive; but beings on the verge of life.”

Primary school is one of the simplest definitions that can be found in high school curricula and biology books. “Cells are the basic building blocks that make up the human body…” This sentence is also among the definitions memorized to many of us in schools.

There are no definitions of the boss cell, the virus transmitted to the student, the bacteria affecting the rich, and the political interestist virus in the varieties of the virus or cell. Because these are definitions of natural sciences and the concept of “class” is not in these definitions. However, they have always had some social consequences and effects from the first epidemics that could be known in history.

Now we are in the 21st century. Industry 4.0 is discussed, the claims that will make all production robots are put forward, “Can human be cloned?”, “Life can be established in space” articles follow each other. Moreover, countries with the most advanced form of current capitalist production boast and compete with each other. Trade volumes, technologies they developed, production speeds… Billions of dollars markets. It is the capitalists who rule these gigantic wheels. The total wealth of the 26 richest of them is greater than the total income of 3.8 billion people.

Brief history of capitalism

If this is the case, we can say that “everything is both historical and classical” and the effects of viruses that are biological on humans are also historical and class. How Does? Many outbreaks have occurred worldwide, such as cholera, plague, flower, and Spanish flu. Of course, there were also rich people, managers and traders who died in these outbreaks. So the class ancestors of today’s 26. Over 90 percent of millions of people who died in these outbreaks and suffered permanent damage have always been slaves, poor neighborhoods, workers, and peasants. So the class ancestors of the current 3.8 billion.

Today, the level of development of information and technology in the world is higher than when cholera, plague outbreaks occur. However, the attitudes of those who appear as ruling classes in the history of humanity towards such outbreaks are always identical.

From the plague, cholera, flower outbreaks to the palaces, with special doctors, good food, medicines, and with the attitude found in religious preachers to the people who have broken the disease; flying with private jets to their private islands; Taking private doctors with them; How common are the attitudes of those who publish ‘evdekal’ messages from the sunny gardens of their pool villas.

Viruses have always existed, will always exist; known ones will change shape or derive new ones. Some will turn into an epidemic. Viruses are not a democratic subject that makes rich and poor people equal, manage and control the poor at the same time, even though they do not make a rich and poor distinction. demolition!

Capitalism continues to produce “trouble”

Looking at the coronavirus outbreak from such a historical and class perspective; it makes it clear that capitalism is not desperate in the face of this epidemic, but acts to ensure its own sustainability. Italian metal workers who had to strike this vulnerability to protect themselves from the virus, cargo workers who say “we can’t stay at home because we have to work”

Trying to make their voices heard on social media, vocational high school students who send letters to the daily newspaper, Young Life, various social outbreaks of the virus outbreak. proves that millions of people collide with their social and economic consequences. The point of destruction of nature, wars, diseases… The capitalist system that ignores the human will continue to produce “trouble” from now on. Based on the history of humanity, the laws and contradictions of society, we say; The expiration date of the capitalist system has passed! And over a hundred years ago!

Time to shelves-down

Even looking at the tactics that the 1917 October Revolution and the USSR followed in the face of outbreaks proves this. But since the capitalist system is a system that cannot be destroyed by itself, it also generates some crises that arise from itself and slow down the rotation of its own wheels. It can overcome these crises itself; but by creating more destruction for billions of people.

The important thing is profit. The important thing is to protect profit and always get more. For these reasons, capitalism, which has expired, always imposes itself by renewing its packaging. However, the coronavirus began to spread all the bad and toxic odors in the packaging to the environment. So, it is necessary to eliminate the source of this poisonous smell and throw it in the trash of history! Let’s start with quarantine days.

Let’s say no to the government’s shield to the bosses.

To eliminate this debris created by the outbreak; Let us want the conditions that protect people!

If we are a vocational high school that has to work; let’s say we won’t shield the virus,

If we are young workers who are forced to work at the bottom of their workplaces every day; Let’s stand in front of the boss; let’s stop production

If we are high school or university students; Let’s give voice for the right to qualified education, to eliminate the grievances!

Let’s say no to the government’s shield to the bosses and leave millions of workers, laborers, with their extortion, poverty and unemployment. Let’s organize the solidarity of what you have!

In summary; Let’s take a class attitude towards the class outcomes of the epidemic; Let’s play and publish our instruments for this, share our articles for this, read our books for this. Let’s meet with the demands we produce in the live broadcasts, letters and programs of Young Life. Let us draw strength from the contradiction between the interests of the capitalist system and the interests of youth; let’s power each other!

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