9 Unknown facts about dreams

9 Unknown facts about dreams

We know there is something happening in the brain, and we have guesses about why. Even the experts cannot go beyond the theory they know when it comes to sleep and dream. Sleep has been a process where daily events are organized and stored for a very long time, and the researches supported this view. At night, the brain begins to swallow metaphorically and digest the information it receives during the day. What the brain hides is also about who we are. When it comes to dreams, we think we know a lot of things.

We dream all night long
You may know that the dream is realized only in the REM phase, but we are in a state of constant dream. We focus more on dreams during REM sleep. Just because we don’t see the dream doesn’t mean it’s not. As night progresses, REM sleep periods are prolonged, and the vast majority of our dreams occur in a third of the night.

Insects and fishes don’t have REM sleep
Although some dreams come out of REM sleep, defining REM sleep in other species does not go beyond just guessing. But all mammals, reptiles and some birds are experiencing REM sleep. Therefore, they have a high chance of dreaming.

It is very difficult to remember your dream if you wake up with the alarm clock
The trauma created by the alarm that calls you to the world allows you to forget the lands you traveled a few seconds ago. The best way to remember dreams is to wake up slowly and spread your sobering time to minutes. Do not force yourself to remember your dreams.

Brain activity of people who remember their dreams is very different
According to a 2014 study, the area called temporoparietal in the brain of people who remember their dreams has been shown to show more activity. This difference was seen not only during sleep but also while sober. People who remember their dreams are also more sensitive to sounds during sleep.

Your body reacts as if you are awake to dreams
Sometimes we wake up angry at a person we see in our dream. Your feelings continue when you open your eyes biologically. Our experience in the dream is recorded in our body and brain in the same way. Your blood pressure or heart rate may increase. For example, a stressful scenario in real life can be reinforced by emotional experiences in a dream.

We dream in real time
Despite the myth that dreams are taking too short, dreams can actually last for 20,30 or even 60 minutes. Even if it takes only a few minutes at the beginning of the night, it extends to the REM stage as the night progresses.

Nightmares are not always about fear
Bad dreams are actually scary, but there are other emotions at work. According to a study, nightmares and bad dreams often reveal feelings of failure, anxiety, confusion, sadness and guilt. Having bad dreams of men is often related to violence and physical aggression. Women’s bad dreams are usually related to problems in the relationship.

Your dreams are not strange, you call them strange
It is not strange to see you playing poker with a giant green spider in your dream and Queen Mary underwater. This sounds strange to you only when you wake up and step into real life. Comparing between the dream world and the real world is like comparing the food habits of two different cultures.

You can die in your dream or survive a disaster
Many people believe that dreaming in dreams means you will die, but this is not true. If you have the opportunity to die in the dream, go after it. Consciousness is immortal and body independent, and dying in a dream can be a truly different experience.

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