Three books to read in autumn days

Three books to read in autumn days

It wouldn’t be wrong to say what books have to do with the seasons. But we like to build relationships. When I made a list of books that could be read in the autumn, I often went to select authors rather than books. Because autumn reminds me more of authors than books. For this reason, the first three novels were chosen from the corpus of reasons.

Catalin Street – Magda Szabo

This masterful name of Hungarian literature is also worthy of autumn. He is also a writer who likes to tell about social change and tragedies, especially through family stories. A period of forty years starting from the Second World War is described in Katalin Street. The lives of three neighboring families who have been accustomed to living in the same street for years without any problems and good relations will change with the Nazis brutality so that they will never be the same again. An excerpt from the back cover Katal (for these people) Katalin Street is central to the symbol of lost heaven and happy childhood.”

The Talents – Ursula K. Le Guin

An autumn goes uninspired before it enters the magical universe of fantastic literature. Especially Ursula K. Le Guin is a series of three books that began with the autumn adan Sounds and Powers ’that started with… Gimmicks okum. Ursula K. Le Guin constructs a world where everyone has special skills in order to exist in the mountains where life is very difficult.

Some have the ingenuity of talking to and influencing animals, and sometimes being able to destroy an entity with their eyes. The skills go from father to son, from mother to daughter, and in fact, the real skill here is to dominate. This is the story of Orrec and Gry, who did not want to obey the orders of a long-standing ceremony. Esi The story of children who want to be on their own, not the son of their father, the daughter of their mother.”

Climates – Andre Maurois

Için For those who are in love, we re-publish this beautiful book so that we don’t leave it to oblivion, H said Helicopter Publications for Climates. Climates is the novel of wanting to have instead of trying to belong to all the beauties you find and therefore always losing. Love is the most painful scene of this struggle. “In this love laugh, we play a very loving role with a less-loved role, Isabel Isabelle makes a good summary of both the novel and love.

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