Turmeric Lemonade Good for Depression

Turmeric Lemonade Good for Depression

According to many studies, using turmeric is a way of getting rid of depression. This spice has been known for its strong medicinal effects since ancient times, and people have used it to prevent and stop a wide variety of diseases including depression.

For example; Turmeric has the ability to prevent the conversion of healthy cells into cancer-related cells. There are indications that Turmeric can help Alzheimer’s patients. In addition, it can fight skin cancer and balance cholesterol.

There are many people who use turmeric when they have problems such as diarrhea, liver problems, jaundice, stomach problems, acidity and arthritis.

Experts have conducted a number of scientific studies focused on turmeric and found that curcumin, the active ingredient of this spice, can have a positive effect even in major depressive disorders.

If you are experiencing the common symptoms of depression as follows, you can try our recipe for lemonade with turmeric. But be sure to consult your doctor before applying this recipe.

Common Symptoms of Depression

Sadness, anxiety and lethargy
Bad temperament and restlessness
Sleep or lack of sleep for an unusually long time
Low energy levels and chronic fatigue
Decision making issues and issues related to concentration and focus.

Turmeric Lemonade

4 cups of cold or sparkling filtered water
2 tablespoons grated or powdered turmeric
4 tablespoons of stevia, maple syrup or organic honey
Two lemon juice
1 blood orange juice
1 stick cinnamon

Put all the ingredients in a jug and continue stirring until a uniform mixture is achieved. Then, throw a stick of cinnamon into the mixture and consume only one slice of organic lemon drink. Positive effects will begin after 2-3 days.

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